I tune in to watch the floundering, I’m never disapointed
I tune in to watch the floundering, I’m never disapointed
“isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?”
It’s supposed to have LIDAR or similar sensors which detect obstacles in front of it - whether or not they’re illuminated. Part of the point of these autonomous vehicles is that they’re supposed to have better ways to detect potential problems than a human driver, and this shows that wasn’t the case.
...How? She’s basically invisible until she’s within 20ft of a car on a 45MPH road. There’s no way in hell it’s stopping in time, and I’m not sure if it’s able to “panic swerve” around her in time.
three of which came against fellow Western Conference contenders.
That’s the joke that Asano was trying to make:
And your comment borders on sinister.
She’s alright.
Wait, is this sista Jamaican for real? And you just gave her a bunch of your bodily fluids and hair?
Why isn’t this on JezeRoot?
If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.
I very much doubt that would be his reaction. From my experience most people outside of the US under the age of 40 don’t really give a shit about this kind of thing other than thinking it’s funny.
They were just pullin for their team.
My favorite part is when you see the guy next to them throw up in his mouth and swallow it down.
I don’t give a shit about the companies. Focusing on them is pointless because they’ll find a way to cook the books legally anyway. Most companies don’t pay any taxes doing just that.
Sorry, but this propaganda has worked and the GOP wins this one again. My simpleton friend who isn’t interested in politics in any meaningful way, who is one of those “middle of the road” people, said that Trump did something “good” with the Tax Cut. His friend had only been working for Best Buy for six months and was…
Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.
“Pfff. That’s nothing.”
So... what exactly are you saying? There’s nothing to be done here except continuing to buy those brands? You’re really not making a compelling point at all.
It’s like using an inappropriately outsized weapon for the circumstances.