
I’m no gamer, but counterargument:

It’s far worse:

Racists are not exclusive to NASCAR. Just go to ESPN or any Sport site’s Instagram page, pick a post related to BLM or protests for equality and you’ll see all the disappointing humans there.

Here’s the thing - Apple devices are where the money is. Google owns several times the devices Apple owns in the market, so why is the fight with Apple? Apple customers are where the in-app purchase dollars are. Google isn’t going to gain anything by cutting off their nose to spite their face.

How can Apple be the bully? They’re the little kid on the block when it comes to the number of mobile devices in their ecosystem, right? Doesn’t Google and the Play Store own a huge majority of the market? And other platforms Epic has games on charges similar fees/commissions?

But just how do you prove antitrust (unfair competition) when two things:

But how is Epic going to argue that it’s a monopoly when Apple owns what, 10% of the market? They’re argument is stronger against Google and the Google Play Store. Apple is not banning them per se, but charging a fee. Yes, Apple has a competing product ( Apple Arcade), but it’s not exactly “competition,” and Apple

You may have just made Apple’s argument.

What is Epic’s anti-trust argument in court? Apple is a monopoly owning such a small fraction of the mobile phone market? That they’re competing with Apple Arcade for $5/month? I don’t see the leg they have to stand on. And bleeding tens of millions of dollars in revenue a month while leaving your customers in a lurch 

Epic is betting on Fortnite fanbois picking their game over an iPhone. Bad call. Even IF they succeed, the amount or revenue from Android would pale in comparison to how much they could make from iPhone customers (based on the figures above).

In one of the recent updates, Apple removed the FaceID error message and delay before the passcode prompt came up. Now, FaceID detects part of your face covered and goes straight to passcode. I think that’s good enough. 

Also, the fact that there are so many supporters that defy Fuaci and follow his lead that masks suck, is precisely why he hasn’t fired Fauci.

There are literally millions of apps in the App Store and so far a “short” list of 50+ apps that read copied text. How does this happen if not intentional?

I would recommend not refusing service, but rather refuse entry - some dumbass will always cry disability. I’ll be glad to help you (within reason) while you wait outside. Denying entry but not service is the reasonable compromise. 

At some point, the app developer encountered a decision: Do I program the app to save the copied data and keystrokes even those that have nothing to do with our app, or is this a dirtbag move? And those who didn’t make the clear right choice are being exposed.

And the rights of individuals vs rights of communities is generally an easy one when the POTUS isn’t manipulating the dumbasses who believe their rights are absolute.

Yeah, not sure what will come of this, but something has to change. Maybe a partial refund of the purchase. Or a lower purchase price. Or no purchase option at all. Because unless something changes, as soon as there is a settlement, someone could turn around and sue again for the exact same reason. 

I don’t do Zoom meetings, but I feel like 95% of lighting issues can be resolved by the user facing a window. It’s the same concept behind why people look so good in car selfies. Vs facing a wall. Or worse yet, having a window behind the user. You’d think we’ve learned enough lessons from selfies over the years. *facep

I don’t do Zoom meetings, but I feel like 95% of lighting issues can be resolved by the user facing a window. It’s

I found out recently about setting up an alternate appearance on Face ID and tried this weekend, but it was too smart. It kept telling me my face was obstructed and wouldn’t scan until I removed the mask. Anybody have any luck?

I believe it’s been stated that some people’s fingers just don’t work with Touch ID. With that said, you can store up to 5 prints (including 5 of the same finger) to get Touch ID work faster.