
1. Go look up side by side videos about how iPhones load and run apps vs android and you’ll see Apple kicks Androids ass.

This is also the phone for people who won’t be upgrading for several years. With the A13, this phone will be still operate fine for years.

So you got sick. I never got sick this season. Still, the odds of us having caught the ‘rona is the same.

Holy shit, she just said what everyone who wants to “open up the economy” stops short of:

I’m torn. The 5 was the most beautiful of all the iPhones. And comfortable to hold. But this is an abodmination of another sort with the protruding camera lenses. Goddamnit Apple, embed the camera lens so my phone can lay flat without a case.

I’m in Northern California so we don’t get the extreme bunch. We get the muted bunch, FB friends included that whine about churches being limited to 4 people to hold a virtual service, but don’t say a word when it comes to kids not being able to go to school.

Alternatively, Amazon could defer shipping times on hand sanitizers and toilet paper by a day or five and fulfill other orders.

Not to detract from the discourse, but did everyone else notice it’s all wypipo?

I see it differently. The iPad Pro is for people who want a tablet 95% (or 99+%) of the time, and prefer to forgo a physical keyboard/mouse/touchpad, but can closet resemble a notebook the rest of the time, when needed.

2 things many people misunderstand:

Exactly this. To anyone that downplayed COVID-19, I’d find out what they really thought by asking them that if they had the choice to infect everyone with the flu or COVID-19, there wouldn’t be a difference, right? Right?!?! Their answer was always the same. So there is a difference and COVID 19 is not a joke, got it.

I have a 3rd gen Apple TV and the HBO GO app works without issue, so this saddens me somewhat. Hopefully, the already downloaded app continues to function until it doesn’t.

He was blasé about COVID-19 (now considered selfish and reckless) like a few people we all know. Except he has influence and deserves all of the bad things to happen to him, because you don’t fuck around with human lives like this.

Under any other administration, I would expect some legal remedy or penalty to come out of this. 

He doesn’t give a fuck. It’s about shifting the blame. 

Not perfectly worded, but it’s forgivable.

Just start coughing deep from your chest. And count how many feet of space you suddenly have. That was the plan for my family’s Disneyland trip before it decided to close.

2 things:

Exactly. This is also why everyone needs to be taking the general precautions. So many people are so blasé or rebellious about it all and putting others at risk. Sure, they may only get mildly sick, but they’re putting many others who are elderly and/or have compromised immune systems at high risks unnecessarily. I

Romcom because Le Fou has unrequited love for Gaston. Or was it only me that saw it in the movie?