Isaiah Thomas plays basketball like how I picture the Black Sox playing World Series baseball.
Isaiah Thomas plays basketball like how I picture the Black Sox playing World Series baseball.
We call dose sangwiches, not grinders.
+33, maybe more.
Bills fan, eh?
Ball’s Antics Tick B-Ball Baltics Off
Not West Virginia. Everybody knows miners can’t give consent.
Contrary to popular belief, Kamara clearly *not* a bitch.
Unless an editor hits the ESC key while reading it, the post cannot be reviewed before it gets published.
I’ll bet the Jeans Day harassees were required to call him “Mr.” too.
ESPN’s likely reaction? Suspend Jemele Hill.
Banned, banned, Adam Silver’s happy that Tim’s career is dead.
You can get 2:1 at the sportsbook in Little Caesar’s Palace.
“only to find Anthony’s head tilted back, eyes still shut, seemingly snoozing”
Do unto others as you fervently hope the authorities might do unto you.
I originally wasn’t going to, but now I’ve been talked into it. I’ll drink all the gin in the house For The Troops.
I would like to sincerely apologize to any Sullustians who were offended by my post, and also offer a recipe for Bantha burgers.
Meanwhile, John Fox is busy drawing up the Unintentional Punt.
I always say, if you think you can just drop any old ex-player in a TV studio and expect great things, you’re a shippleblubbynyudnud.
I suspect the other, smarter Jerry is trailed by a platoon of lawyers with blank monetary settlement/NDA forms.
Filed to: WHY YOUR RACE SUCKS 2018