
The media jumped on the reporting about Dao because the info is available and they need to keep a steady stream of related articles out there to get the clicks. They’d have to do actual legwork and put in some time to track down the officers who dragged the guy off the plane.

America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.

better you than him - you chose an occupation that by its very nature places you in the path of danger on a daily basis, and one that requires you to protect and serve, and which may also require you to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of the community, the community you swore to defend.

Thank you sincerely for discussing this with me. I agree, there is so much awful in the current administration that it’s hard not to tune out.

I appreciate that you are trying but you’re missing the point. If Mike Pence won’t dine alone with his female employees or colleagues, which is a normal thing that people do in workplaces, it is not just a personal preference. It is blatantly prejudicial because he has no such prohibitions against eating alone with

Do they wake up every day and ask themselves how they can screw people? Is there any piece of legislation or one action that they’ve put forth to help others?

*eyeroll* This tired schtick?

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

I’d just like to say that this resistance to Donald Trump would have been nicer before the election. Your hatred towards HC was part of the problem. And Bernie is responsible for a lot of that. So I would also like to say: Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Are there days yet when Trump hasn’t been shown to be an embarrassment? Surprise! Words have meaning, asshole. I hope this is a multimillion dollar lawsuit that drags him through the mud for a long, long time.

If Mike Pence wants to have ground rules on his marriage that is fine. What the fuck do I care? But it is incumbent on him to make sure that those rules don’t lead to him discriminating against his female employees or coworkers. If he won’t eat meals with women, he should not eat meals alone with men either. He should

Also true. But as a fan, I reserve the right to be completely irrational in how I apportion blame.

I think part of what makes it easier to watch AP leave than Moss is that his fumbles led (more or less) directly to 2 playoff losses, including in an NFC Championship Game. He’s great, but his biggest flaws always showed up at the worst times.

Every criticism I’ve seen of this has boiled down to “lol religious people are different than me.”

The fact that Pence is so adamant about the rules makes me think that it’s a mix of paternalism and him having cheated at some point.

Pro tip from a woman: If you want to respect your wife,then dont cheat on her, or flirt with other women, or be a prop in an administration that is an international embarrassment. None of that precludes you from have a normal business relationship with other women, which often includes eating. You know, the thing

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

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