As someone who absolutely HATES VIOLENCE in any form for me to feel like I really want to be locked up in a room with this guy for five minutes is saying a lot.
As someone who absolutely HATES VIOLENCE in any form for me to feel like I really want to be locked up in a room with this guy for five minutes is saying a lot.
Oh for the love of GOD.... This administration I swear.... Normally you would think OK he obviously was speaking in the terms of the British Organizational structure, but then you also have to take in to account THIS President and THIS Cabinet and think yeah probably meant it racist and it accidentally could come…
Now Que the pandering and extremely self-congratulatory marketing campaign of “Our Players Stand for the Anthem”
Forget all that....... when is someone going to address the fact that SHS is slowly morphing in to Fred Dalton Thompson. For the love of god get that woman a battery operated pleasuring device. Something. Anything to wipe that severe expression off of her face.
She’s old school.’re doing it wrong. Its TV to politics now. Not politics to TV
Disturbing to hear people say they remember Singletary and then quote a completely different Hall of Fame LB and an OLB at that not even the right position LOL... Mike was an Inside LB and even more to the point MLB.”
I have often considered putting some sort of derogatory Trump sentiment on my truck as well but then I don’t want to make it a target for keying and dents so I have refrained.
Imagine your community has been raveged by disaster you’re displaced and scared and freaking the host of The Bachelor shows up to console and reassure everybody.
Now I know this wasn’t rigged or anything but it figures it would be Massachusetts law and a Patriot who would benefit from it.
“LaVar later compared himself and Big Baller Brand to Uber, disrupting the taxi-like shoe companie”
That is a tough one. They are both amazing shows. I cannot think of anything bad about BB (well except for the God awful FLY espisode). But then The Wire did have that whole “Whatever the hell McCnulty was doing all sesason with the dead bodies”
That is a tough one. They are both amazing shows. I cannot think of anything bad about BB (well except for the God…
As a “Recovering” Bleeding heart Liberal, who feels that society may just have be too “Politically Correct” that is definitively not the case in this matter. (Still liberal, for the most part, just not so much of a bleeding heart anymore)
Nope. Don’t care. You are confusing “Not caring that he is dead with Happy that he is dead”
I think I may have POSSIBLY Figured this out.... Did they mean maybe that this is told to people who are considering abortions due to birth defects or the fetus’ health and he wants the Doctors to lie to the patient and tell them whatever is ailing the baby/fetus/tissue (however your feelings see’s it) could be…
Thank you kind person for asking the question. I was wondering the same thing but was a little scared to ask for fear the answer was obvious and I just couldn’t see it.
Steve Bannon looks like what happens when you feed Michael Moore after midnight
Well the “Confucius” remark wasn’t meant to be racist and I apologize sincerely if it came off or actually was racist. It was not meant that way.
Well that is all fine and dandy there Confucius, but not all of us live in Kansas and are privy to that of what goes on in their on a daily basis.
I am thinking #8 should be “Immediatley Seek Medical Attention”