la katana es una pesima arma contra los zombies aunque supieras manejarla, es mejor un hacha
la katana es una pesima arma contra los zombies aunque supieras manejarla, es mejor un hacha
fat people don't run, they roll, they've managed to fend away the limitations of their bipedal brethen and assume a higher level in the transportation development of our species, they are clearly the homo superior.
ok... if you are running, going to the gym in spite of what those meathead assholes say and generally making healthy choices, THEN, we are not so different.
yeah, i'm sorry, i was mad at my boss this morning, shouldn't have take it on you.
80% of the market is not a disproportionate ammount, is a virtual monopoly!
physical health comes second from mental health, please seek help.
FINEEEE... do whatever you want... live slow die young, you know because of the atherosclerosis
Luxotica (they make ALL sunglasses... ALL of them)
i dont want you to feel bad about yourself, i dont want anyone to feel bad about themselves, i just belive is bullshit to say that you love yourself so much that you actively maintain an unhealthy amount of fat.
yes, they pay me TOP dollars for doing it... TOP DOLLARS
i thought it was until you said it wasn't... enlighten me please, i'm here to learn after all
i don't have to approve, that dumb specially because it's not what im saying, and even you belive is not ok because you were excersicing and taking care of your health... but let me know if you go around telling people is super fun and awesome to be obese and they should stay that way because is a myth that being…
i give a fuck, because i want to learn, i want to be better and understand as many things and perspectives as i can... i hope you are american because you could understand my frustrations since many of your compatriots dont give a fuck, and not giving a fuck is why you are suddenly last in education, health and social…
do you live in the us? because that's what you people do with your people with mental health issues... how's that working up for you
just plain awesomeness here!
self love is AWESOME, fat acceptance is not.
thank you i'll proceed to read those links,
sometimes just "google it" doesn't occur to me, thank you!
you should read other responses to my comment, some are awful, but other are quite sensible, i'm rather enjoying having this conversation