
thank you!, this is very helpful, i'm sorry about your mom and grandmom, i hope she makes it, and maybe you are right, it's their problem, but i find more and more people accepting obesity as the norm as something "normal" and even discouraging any conversation that puts obesity in a bad light in fear of "fat shaming"

my conversation is.

yeah, a lot of thing you say makes sense, it's just that people saying "being fat is fine, you should not be concerned about it" makes me feel the same way those ads of doctors recomending smoking in the 50's

i wasn't trying to say that what Instagram did was ok, it was not, they shouldn't have erased her account, neither i'm trying to fat shame her, all i'm saying is that i find being fat similar to being a smoker, its bad for you in most cases (some people live to a 100 without cancer and weighting 200 lb) and it should

yeah, you are right, its not my bussiness, but i wasn't trying to troll her or fat shame her, or say that instagram banned her because of her health, i'm just trying to understand why some people feel that saying that being fat is ok, when it will probably kill you just as smoking would.

yeah, me too.. but i'm not trying to troll, this is an actual concern for me and i want to see if between all the shit that WILL be flung at me there's something i can actually learn from

I’m going to get some shit for this, and probably I’ll totally deserve it, but I have to know.

you fucking idiot!... why don't you go back to you mom's cunt and stop being a racist douchebag

La materia oscura se llama asi, justamente porque no interactua con la radiación electromagnetica, pero si es detectable por su efecto gravitacional, asi que si, la luz viaja a traves de la materia oscura como si viajara en un vacio real.


not really