Whilst these people are clearly dicks, I struggle to dredge up much sympathy for someone who makes a living lying to morons.
Whilst these people are clearly dicks, I struggle to dredge up much sympathy for someone who makes a living lying to morons.
About the response I'd expect from people who literally think the universe revolves around them.
my question is: "why the flying fuck do you give shit?"
Also, I was seeing a nutritionist, weight training 3x a week, and running 25 miles a week in my 30's, and I was still obese. Was I ok or not? I need to know whether you approve!
1. Random people's health is not your concern.
I do not think fat is okay, but I think this whole body acceptance movement started because for so long the only body type that was considered beautiful was stick thin and nothing else. I know I struggled for years with body image because I am very muscular. AT 5'5" and 18% body fat I weigh 180. I have big boobs, and…
You are taking a lot of heat, but I think your question is genuine. The thing is, it isn't all about fat v. thin, it's about health. I am overweight, but my BP and lab work are perfect, I average 6000+ steps a day, and eat healthier than many of my thinner friends. When I focused on thin, in my 20's, I became very…
After my disease was treated I lost 155 pounds. Not one thing has changed about me but my weight. But I'm suddenly accepted into society. I love myself as I did then, and I believe that you have to accept yourself before you can love yourself. In any form.
carry on then....
Because sometimes being fat is what it is. So you learn to accept yourself, love yourself and with that love comes confidence. Every single fat person knows they're fat.
I understand your frustration, but your question isn't really addressing this story. It's not about whether or not fat is OK, it's about whether or not Instagram should be censoring certain kinds of bodies. And as you said yourself, her Instagram account should not have been deleted. The fact that it's now back…
But because being fat IS fine. Smoking is always unhealthy (which still doesn't give anyone the right to bother someone about it, unless it is in their air-space I guess). Fat can OFTEN be an INDICATOR of something unhealthy - which means that there are plenty of fat people who are not very unhealthy, or rather, just…
I kind of know how you feel here. I watched my mother die (slowly) from lung cancer after being a smoker for years, and my grandmother is currently in chemo for lung cancer after being a heavy smoker for 60ish years. A few of my friends smoke, and as you can imagine, I hate it. I used to be that person preaching and…
Here is some reading that might help you to understand why fat is not in and of itself a health problem.
If you want to learn, why not Google "fat acceptance" and see what it's all about it. Because they cover all your "concerns." Must you demand education on the spot? Or do you have some weird version of the internet that doesn't come with search engines?
Because mental health is also important. If you begin to believe your body is okay, then you can actively begin to treat it better. Whether or not a person stays the same size after said realization is not the point. That person becomes healthier in general, which is the point. Healthy outlooks lead to better health…
Because being anything is "ok." Being fat may be being unhealthy*, but it's still "ok" because that's the person's own choice (or struggle, maybe - you never know why anyone is really fat). The idea that there is a state of being that is not "ok" is the problem - we don't have that standard with almost any other…
I will agree that sometimes the "healthy at any size" movement goes too far on this website but people who are overweight/fat/obese don't deserve to be treated like shit or treated like a pariah because you don't personally find their body to be acceptable.
That's really funny. First of all you as a person do not finish shit unless you are about 80 years old and actually fought in that war. Second of all the history of US wars since WWII is one where the US start wars and do not successfully finish them all that much. But since you are writing about the biggest…