
Its why I have spent a lot (re)designing our bathrooms for just such reasons.. (when gastro issues hit you like a women with her period, you learn to prepare)

That would cost money and would require him to recognize them as people instead of just demographics..

The rest of their lives while being “sponsored” by everyone’s tax dollars. I’m sorry, but I believe people like this should work to survive.. (ie: If they don’t work, they don’t eat, unless they have some true physical ailment that limits their movement in which case, it can be modified based on their physical

The only difference is those pins are disgusting items that can only be seen up close or you are looking specifically for them.  vs. a dress that can be seen from the front door is essentially the loud fart in the elevator.

Correct, but remember, when the president talks, it has the weight of “enforcement” (even if he’s not directly proposing a law).. its why Trump’s idle “chatter” was so disastrous because again, it comes from someone that CAN enact laws or influence behaviour (as he has done with his insurrectionist/racist/sexist

While this is disgusting... Telegram isn’t a social media platform.. its a secure IM platform (like WeChat, Line, or WhatsApp) and those programs have 1:1 communication as well as a 1:many channels for group communication. And that anonymity (what telegram offers) is being hijacked in order to instill fear and

It’ll be worth watching how politicians respond to see if more will be done to address the threat of white supremacist violence.

4200 by my count (give or take a few months).. which means we are still quite a few years away from it.

But that’s just it the president and shouldn’t have his “thumb on the scale” as it were.. these are elected positions and so its up to the citizens to make a case out of this.. and in staunchly republican areas, there simply aren’t any real non-white non-male candidates.. most are straw men (persons?) that are trucked

Trump (and his cronies) normalized it.. (every day it goes fully unprosecuted it simply turns treason into a “mild disagreement”)

McCarthy and Santos are simply benefitting from that “normalization” and using it to rationalize their actions. (like the junkie that uses one someone that manages to do drugs AND not die/go

While we don’t have hard numbers, we do know from the post that:

And that’s before tips are factored in, not to mention the speed of delivery (assuming the food is good and they are not just capitalizing on speed), its really not bad.. especially when you can get the food quite literally fresh out of the oven delivered..

I’m going to say no.. because if they did, it would be cut and dry and wouldn’t take an “investigation”. This is pretty much ABC sweeping them under rug (and out the door) to save face and so finding tenuous/specious reasons to remove them.

The reality is, there is nothing they CAN do.

Police support (especially as crime has been rising ) is high.. and the republicans know this.. so anything around “change” is met with chants of “he’s against the police” which eliminate their chances in maintaining support.

The reality is the needle has moved from people

Oh, you know he’s going to be on their lips specifically to make this scandal (and honestly its not even a scandal in biden’s case or even Pence’s case since in both cases, their respective lawyers found the documents and turned them over without question or needing to get anyone higher than a clerk involved. but

They won’t.. Even though they are a private carrier they are treated like a “common carrier”.. so the second they cherry pick who they deliver to there will be some mouth breather that will get a class action lawsuit together and sue them.. (and UPS just for being close to Fedex)

So its a situation where Fedex is quite

Actually Avacados are VERY healthy... similar to potatoes.. what makes both of them healthy is our preparation of them.. (drowning potatoes in butter and fats.. eliminates the health value of them).. in the case of Avocadoes.. its a fruit similar to tofu in that its quite neutral in taste.. so relatively simple

You do realize that he could be closeted... come on.. he’s with a group that would sooner burn burn a brilliant gay man because its their “creed”.

Also shall I also refer you to the hundreds (and growing) cases of “conservative christians” engaging in gay sex, pedophilia/child molestation without ever showing any

That’s right.. that’s for behind closed doors with cocaine.

In public?.. For shame!!!!!!!!

Wait, so the guy (and are we even sure about that and he’s not say a lizard in a costume?) that has so far lied about EVERYTHING else about him claims THIS is a lie about him?

I mean at this point, I would be someone that claimed he was said lizard quicker than believing him about well.. anything.