
Oh, they believe in science, when it supports their position. Basically the classic case of lying with statistics.. (cherry picked data that shows the position you wish to present, and unless someone checks the study/how it was conducted or the sample details/size.. its counted as “evidence” to support their claim

There is a downside to LOW LEVEL employees for being racist prigs.. the higher up you go, the less impact there is to you.. and at the “big boy” level its about as impactful as a 2 dollar coupon on a 10000 meal.

While that’s true in retrospect, remember, most people are taught (falsely) that the police are their to “help” them and if you are innocent, you have nothing to fear. (the jails have something like 15-20% innocent people in them due to false/bad testimony, criminal/racial/sex bias, crappy lawyers, and lazy/crooked

There was nothing stopping him from raising a stink about it.. in fact, I blame him for NOT raising a stink because the more these issues of false accusation based on crappy facial recognition/AI the less this will be used as the basis for arrest and be shifted to the back as “additional information/validation”.

I have

Having worked with a number of police systems and people over the years in the US.. I have to say this is sadly 120% accurate.. And that automation also does one more thing for them besides helping to “reduce” paperwork.. it also shifts the responsibility when mistakes happen.. by saying “X product/system gave us the

But like I said... its highly unlikely that HE specifically was directly involved in the moving of documents (to/from).. in fact, it was his lawyers who found the documents during THEIR sweeps.. And I’m sure it was his aides that brought them in to help him do this job (hence THEIR job). So while he’s ultimately

Typically because Desktops have the ability to expand relatively easily.. most people I know won’t max out the RAM, but they will Max out the GPU and CPU (because they are often the most costly of items and usually the more difficult to upgrade/replace).  Given 8-16 has been the mainstay for “safe/comfortable” for

Texas?... Hell, are we sure he’s even from this Galaxy?

None of the documents were “declassified” and it depends on how they came into his possession. Example, he was authorized to review the documents and hold on to them for a stated period of time. (and remember, ANYTHING can be marked as classified even if there is no actual intelligence risk... someone could mark last

I simply don’t understand the point of his public tweets?.. I mean who are they for and what did he hope to gain?.. We all have preferences... and most of us engage in those preferences without shitting on everyone else. So I’m really puzzled here.. I mean don’t want to date/marry a dark skinned woman.. that’s his

Also there main difference is, Biden’s lawyers found the documents and notified the national archives... Its not the archives found out that some were missing and got the run-around.

So one is “Hey, sorry, honest mistake, found these while cleaning up.. here you go”. vs. “the national archives pulling a “where’s my 2

You do realize that much of your argument is predicated on the fact that most places simply don’t allow that level of family/work integration.. As the article pointed out, it was 2018 when even infants were not allowed on the floor and breastfeeding is STILL not allowed in one’s congressional office. So for a lot of

If you won’t read, then that makes you a liar, a troll.. and someone so beneath my attention and time that my snake looks down on you.

Good day to you troll..

Some of us have jobs and other responsibilities, which means my priority isn’t responding to tantrums..

Anyway.. as lets get this party started.

Note, I don’t do GOOGLE this... if you want to play with the big boys, then list SPECIFIC links.. like a proper researcher does.. not just “google X”.. And even when you dl


You realize that’s been a bit of a “slur” tossed out about him for a long time, none of which is true..

Yeah, I would be checking their Amazon purchases for shoe polish or excessively large amounts of Soy Sauce just in case their “blackness” is more a case of “application” rather than genetics.

Actually I don’t quite think that’s 100% true for both of them..

Hell, ignore the democrats for a sec... why didn’t the media (print/TV) do THEIR fact checks as they are supposed to instead of this becoming an expose. I mean as you said, these are quite easily verifiable details and any fact checker worth their salt can easily say “sorry, this isn’t true” and then distance

It seems like the real hero is Pizza..

Its often been said that there is no such thing as “bad” pizza.. just not “good” pizza.. And this proves that Pizza can be GOOD!!.

Like all videos, unless it starts with him/them entering the establishment and runs from there, context does matter..

You could cuss me out and punch my wife and then start recording when I come over to your table to seek restitution and it makes me look like the aggressor.. As I said.. we simply don’t know... hence