
You realize they will never have that “moment” because of their self-persecution and ability to rationalize away any sense of facts that run contrary to their beliefs.

The “Are we the baddies” requires one to take a look at themselves in a real mirror and ask this question.. but they are intent on using Trump Branded

But profitable markets are those that “nothing” happens but people pay a normalized/high premium.. but those markets are rapidly becoming few and far between as people are finding out..

But people still want to blame the “location” and/or deny the problem exists rather than own up to the fact that we (humans) have

Some of that apathy I would attribute to congress’s limitations (both political and social..political because some persons/groups simply exist to stonewall others... social because greed/bias are also factors will influence how they do their jobs.. (humans are self-serving creatures and so actions/laws that benefit

Actually it does..

I’m not Tesla’s biggest fan.. (in fact, I quite despise the company and Musk as a whole).. but lets be honest.. we (as a society) need Self-driving cars because humans are too unreliable and unpredictable.. especially as more and more vehicles are on the road. BUT self-driving cars need training..

I think we forget how things are designed in the US.. Unfortunately much of economic design of the US is TOP-DOWN.. which means the average man won’t feel the benefits for some time, while the rich/business owners are the first to feel any benefit/gain.

The problem is the Genie is never going back into the bottle.. And why I said humanity is doomed.. AI is just a tool that will automate a lot of this and shift the bias “blame” to computers (similar to how in the Nazi party when they got called to account, the mantra was “we were just following orders”)

Until humanity

Controlled by US companies and subject fully to US laws and as such can be called upon at any point to show evidence of storage/tracking/etc...

ByteDance as a Chinese company based in China and subject to Governmental laws there (and the line between company and Government is very tenuous at best) simply doesn’t have

Its partially why I somewhat support China’s “Social” score idea.. these people should be tracked so when they seek healthcare for their own stupidity (which 99% of the time will be on some media feed), they can be excluded from obtaining care.. same for so many things..

Right now there is virtually no repercussions

I’m just still pissed that they bumped off Jessie.. 

If you go by Cheato’s comments and lies... I’m sure it did/will/has...

The reality is there has mostly been screening.. but going back to pre-9/11 screening would be more than sufficient, allow people to MOVE quickly and keeps the vast majority of items of concern out.

If you want better screening, replace the metal detector with a chemical detector (since that poses the most risk)..


Which is what should have happened from day one..

I own a BYD (in China)... and its actually VERY VERY nice.. the build quality is lightyears above Tesla (lease a Tesla in the US).. its closer to what Mercedes USED to be from a build quality perspective.. So yeah, after leasing a Nissan Leaf, and a Chevy Bolt, and a Tesla (only did it because of the extended

The way it works is:

Immigrant = 0
Immigrant from a “favourable” country = +1
Immigrant from a “unfavourable” country = -1
Immigrant that’s white = +2
Immigrant that rich = +4
Immigrant that’s “dark” = -2
Immigrant that’s “middle class” = -3
Immigrant that’s “poor” = -4

Now just add up the calculations.

Elon is a Rich white

No.. a stroke they could still pull a “Weekend at Berne’s” on his supporters.. We want an instakill... so this way he’s gone.. Now I’m sure someone will try to AI this loon.. (I pity the poor programmers and computers that have to simulate him).. but at least the real one is gone.

The can was “kicked” down the road because we (humans) made improvements.. (elimination of chlorofluorocarbons that were destroying to ozone, decreasing car emissions (note, I said DECREASING, not eliminating), in general becoming more energy efficient which reduces power plant issues, using more “Green” energy

Its allowed.. that’s why there are contracts... apple isn’t stopping any/all developers/companies from doing it.. they are just saying “HEY EA, you violated the contracts we have with you.. until you fix them, not going to let you play in our court” which is legally their right per the contracts.

The EU’s push isn’t

The point apple is making when they say a “threat to their ecosystem” is not competition.. its that Epic can and WILL use that as a vehicle to get other companies/developers to inject (un)intentionally bad content into the ecosystem.

What apple does is vet most if not all the applications/games/content to ensure they

Which is exactly why/how the US is in the toilet as far as medical is concerned. But until the “for profit” aspect of medical is removed, insurance companies and hospitals have every incentive to cajole people into thinking only of themselves and turning it into a political issue rather than a human rights issue.


As sad as it is.. that sounds like the line they will use..  and if you can toss in something about gender “confusion” and how he was acting out because of that.. I think we have a winner on their “reason” for this.