
Dogs know. People who make my dog get twitchy are people I avoid. 

Well, ‘to serve & protect’ is only part of the sentence.  Left unstated is who they’re serving & protecting.  

Wake me up when anyone suffers real consequences for all this bullshit.  

As fucked up as this is, Jones is better off seeing these snakes expose themselves now before the grass gets too tall to see them strike.

but really, he’s a pretty good socialist...

Wanda’s fate reminds me of Daenerys Targaryen’s in the final season of Game of Thrones. Both stories depict power corrupting once-beloved female characters, who are then demonized and ultimately disposed of.

You could take position that those things don’t really matter, no like [insert your pet issue here], but that’s just moving the goalposts. Bottom line: saying Joe Bide has done “nothing” he said he would is inaccurate on its face; it is a lie.

And this is what the right doesn’t get when they try and say “your side does it too”.

From what I’ve read, if you F around on a ship, they will stuff you in your room (or a brig) and lock the door from the outside. Then when you get to port, they escort you off the ship.

Haha.This is Texas: cyclists are always presumed to be in the wrong because they should have been in a truck with firearms, like all normal people.

Waitaminute, waitaminute, waitaminute!! You’re telling me that there were 400-500 protesters, tons of police in riot gear, and nobody got beaten by the police?! Sounds about white...

Defund the police, I want refund the police. This department paid to train and employ an officer that literally didn’t know their gun from their asshole. Make the PD and officer pay what is now owed, criminally and monetarily out of their budgets and pensions. They don’t care about human life, so hit them where it

“I have experienced Asian American prejudice.”

Sadly, Obama wasn’t wrong. And given the hate they already showed him for his reasonable, *MODERATE* approach to addressing societal problems that impact everyone, trying something more extreme like, say, paying black Americans their fair share of the nation’s wealth they were forced (often brutally) to produce, well,

Remember when the English were oppressing Scotland, and William Wallace took a quick boat ride to France? It’s okay, though, his daughters had asked him to, and he totally intended to come back the next day so he could hand out mead and bubonic plague to the masses.

I think it’s the same *Peter* from the X-Men movies but because he “fell” into Wanda’s world, he’s now Pietro because everyone gets changed to fit her pocket reality.


(I’m borrowing this from some message board that I read this week, can’t think of which one now, pretty sure it wasn’t here).

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...