
Yeah, but that’s going to ruin the rear suspension and possibly cause unintended swerving and weaving.. I.... err.. I have some familiarity with this use case from some of my “test subjects” and it would need to be factored in.

The biggest problem with self- driving cars (and why its taking so long) is not the cars or even the tech and roads.. but rather the relatively slow adoption with other humans still on the road and doing completely unexpected and quite frankly confusing things (even to other humans, let alone software)

I sort of liken

As we have seen with things like the Innocence project and others (like you have one right now in the SAME day posting:, it doesn’t really matter if you did the crime or not, if you are lumped in (due to skin color and

T.S. was injured. Two other men, who tried to help T.S., were also injured by the group of white supremacists. Court documents state the men who came to T.S.’s aid identify as persons of color.

Lets just say a “less sad” ending..

The abused man is still dealing with the physical abuse, destruction of his gear, medical bills from the assault, and no legal recompense coming...

And their pleading guilty was mostly to avoid a harsher sentence and possible financial penalties.. So basically they took the slap on

Well, that still plays into the “I forgot” trope... as in:  “Due to the medication I was on because of the stress in my life, I temporarily blacked out and had no recollection of the events... I’m not racist, I know black people (I have one 2 towns over that I wave to as I drive by) so I can’t be racist”

Most likely because they agreed with the racist taunts.. I mean this IS Utah after all..

While on some level I do agree, the harder part is proving it ... and proving it in a way that will stick. And THAT is the hard part..

I think people forget that once a supreme court justice is “in”.. its VERY difficult to remove them.. since it would take impeachment, which requires a majority of the supreme court justices.

And that’s just the technical aspect of it.. The second he makes it a thing, you KNOW the republicans others are going to turn

He’s claimed everything including “I can’t because the dog ate my testimony”.. He’s throwing everything at this to see what sticks.. but what he wants is a fight in public because he can use the public to apply pressure.. he has almost no more political clout left, but he can use the unruly mob as intimidation... And

Given the fact that our emotions have a measurable impact on our physical state (anger increases blood pressure, stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline as well as other mental changes in preparation for fight and physical exertion).. why should her abilities not be similarly impacted.. Their powers are

Not at all.. while anger (and the controlling it) are both core precepts, they are hardly the same..

That’s like saying Chinese food and Mexican food are the same.. (they share a similar spice palette and ingredients.. but are NOT the same)

The classic “even a broken clock is write twice a day” situation.. it doesn’t mean she’s “good”.. it just means in this ONE SINGLE INSTANCE, she’s correct.

You can’t remove the evil from some people.. They may not want to see ALL that happened in their past, but they obviously feel nothing was overall “wrong” with the status quo..

So he likes Apartheid Lite (Now with a 1/3 less physical abuse, but all the same “great” oppression and racism).

I don’t know.. I usually just wash them and use a little scented talc on them..

That is hardly the face of wedded “bliss” for either of them..

Ahhh... another day, another racist cop..

I mean its like sunshine in Egypt (its so expected that its hardly worth the weather report, except in some cases when its REALLY bad).

The right time means when they need a big smoke screen (after they can’t milk the fact that it happened anymore).

That’s my suspicion as well.. especially as they have done it before.. doctored and spliced/chopped footage to portray things differently than what is real..

You know.. its sad.. I suspect the fine was more for using the fake address for his brokerage firm than his unwanted sexual advances..