I think there might be WORSE critters waiting in the wings..
Sort of like the scum on the pond that houses viruses and vile things than a 2 dollar hooker’s bathtub.. removing that top layer just means a more vile layer can rise to the top.
I think there might be WORSE critters waiting in the wings..
Sort of like the scum on the pond that houses viruses and vile things than a 2 dollar hooker’s bathtub.. removing that top layer just means a more vile layer can rise to the top.
As much as I hate to say it... they are essentially “token” women to show the GOP is not sexist (much)... because there is really no other reason why these three wastes of carbon (MTG, Boebert, and Palin) are even on the planet, let alone politics.. I mean honestly, I wouldn’t let them run the pooper scooper counter…
Don’t mistake a few that are brave enough to stand up and talk about a problem as “evidence” that the problem doesn’t exist.. Or shall I bring the quite literally millions of women that are raped and abused by men almost on a daily basis (usually white men and/or someone they know I might point out) and yet, you only…
Well, that just goes how little imagination they have... seems rather small minded I would say.
While not in great number, that’s not exactly true.. A few spring to mind right away...
Even if he’s in jail, I doubt that will quell his mouth.. If could only harness that sewage pipe for “Good”.
I would have gone with Planet Bob (a la Titan AE).
They have souls?... I think its just hate/fear/and some blood that’s keeping them upright and walking/talking.
I proposed an exercise in thought.. there is plenty of data on the of prisons (as well as the cost of killing them) so I don’t feel the need to repeat that. I have provided numbers/data which you can certainly correlate to sources if you wish.
What my position is, if someone is already given a life sentence without…
You realize its always been about control.. They like to think that external factors control “gayness” and therefore if you control those factors “gays” simply won’t exist.. as if its a data entry error.. and ignoring that its more like a hardware discrepancy.. all the forced data entry in the world isn’t going to…
And you clearly didn’t read ALL the details either.
Either way, you are entitled to your opinion as am I.. I have laid out my rational reasons and the data that supports it.. your only position is: “I disagree”.. That’s fine.. not very eloquent or persuasive (name calling doesn’t exactly make anyone’s point).. but in…
Slight correction to your take.
Anyone (regardless of gender) not impacted by it directly (or immediately) tends to disregard this. People (again, regardless of gender) are too self-serving to care on a long term basis. The reality is if ALL women (of all stripes) voted pro-choice.. it would be the defacto law of the…
Ummm.. (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-death-penalty)
My only concern is are the FBI personnel involved ON team MAGA or are they unbiased (or at least team justice)?... As we have seen with the SS and others within rank.. that they have own bias which often manifests itself as a overlooking data/information or passing information to the wrong people.
I’m sorry, but if someone is sentenced to life in prison, why not just kill them?.. I mean we are essentially asking society to care for them at a national average of 39K per year (which is rising) and if they are say in their 40's, that’s 49 years (men live an average of 89 years) of payments or about 1.9M per…
Federal prisons are typically better funded and so will usually have more guards to keep the violence down (more prisoner isolation and monitoring).. vs. state prisons, well the guards are there more to make sure you don’t escape.. otherwise.. up to a point, whatever happens.. happens..
So walking into a state prison…
Oh, I know she promised that.. (well, she’s in politics.. so she can only promise to work on it.. not to make it happen because the reality is no single person can make that promise, but that’s too long of a sound bite.. its more like a sound dinner.. so she reduces it to what she said).
I’m just reminding people that…
I’m sorry, if they can go after Cosby (who lets be honest, did a whole lot of good, even while doing bad).. they can go after Pete Rose, who’s only notable accomplishment was using a stick to hit a ball.
The “time frame” shouldn’t matter.. and yes, it might not be prosecutable, but his riding the coat tails of his…
Its the politicians/police in America... (and a semi-south state as well).. of course they are morons.. I mean that is the default.. and then we just get into HOW MUCH of a moron they are (could be 10% or 100%.. I think these people are about 80% moron... and I’m only saying 80% because they could have said that all…
Maybe... maybe not..
The problem we have is people like to assume that you can fling any old thing out there, and that problems of a political (and legal) nature can be solved overnight if someone just did X. And the reality is, especially at the federal level, there is a LOT that needs to happen.. and especially when…