I normally don’t raising the greys, but I sense there are others thinking the same.
I normally don’t raising the greys, but I sense there are others thinking the same.
The US is rapidly becoming, THE Taliban (just like the old Taliban, but a little more cream in the coffee).
Lets look at the facts: Wanting to use Religion as the basis for laws and punishments and dictating extreme punishments for those that disagree. Essentially breaking the separation of Church and State (https://the…
Seriously.... I suspect he was going to say something along those lines and then looked around at the sea of cell phones recording his words/actions and changed it mid stream to the usual palp.
Well, lets look at the timeline..
It always amazes me that whenever someone (or one of their underlings/clergy/associates) does something like this, they always claim its a misunderstanding/miscommunication on the part of the offended and that its not “representative of who they are”.
So I’m sorry, until they can demonstrate (by actions and deeds, not…
But that’s just it...
There is a lot they can (and I believe are) doing, but much of it is going to be “behind” the scenes since this is not just a typical “Russia has a hostage and using them for bargaining” (like they have done MANY times).. this is a quasi war (technically termed a “conflict” though that’s splitting…
It may be opinion, but its sadly rooted in facts, history, and data...
I think my dog’s last poop would get higher ratings that that show.. and both are complete shit.
Sadly, you are right..
When the crooks are also the jailers.. it doesn’t really matter about the money (but that helps).. its all about the power.. (if you have the power, money will flow... but money in of itself won’t garner power).
I know.. I mean this is as surprising as water being wet and Trump being a liar..
It sucks, but remember, the bigger the stink the US makes of this, the more “evidence” Russia will find to make her a bargaining chip... Basically the US is essentially saying (politically): Your leverage is weak..
Remember, the only supposed evidence is held by Russia who’s not exactly trustworthy with matters such as…
I’m just waiting for the day when a judge nominee says when asked a question of judicial importance and they respond with “well, my thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by the cases that I have yet to review but will undoubtedly have my opinions adjusted due to new data/facts that I will have been introduced”.
Again, do you even understand HOW government works? (My god, I think my dog gets this better than you)..
Ahhh yes... lawyer speak for “I lied, but I can’t say I lied.. so I learned something new that I definitely DID know already (or should have known as its 101 level) but was presented to me (at my request in order to have plausible deniability) differently”
I use this with my wife... Suffice to say, it RARELY works with…
I fail to see how someone that has themselves sponsored 46 bills, and co sponsored some 860 bills in her time in office is doing “nothing” (that puts her in the middle between quite a few congress people that have sponsored NO bills and some that done up to 105)
I think you have a fractured idea of how government…
Quite true.. To officially be a liar by court rules, you would have to be on record as saying A when in fact its B.. but what they all said was “We believe in the current precedent”... but ALSO signed on when Thomas pushed his “opinion” So if anything, it would make them spineless.. not a good characteristic for a…
She knows that..
SHE (herself) can’t do anything about it.. but by drawing public attention to something and outlining a path forward, she can get citizens to do THEIR jobs and push/force an issue..
I think people forget that THEY have both power and an obligation to be/remain informed and hold their leaders…
Oh, in the circles he travels I’m 100% positive that’s actually a bonus for him.
Remember, to these people:
Women are worth 50% less than a man
Black people are worth 60% less than a white man.
Black Women are worth 75% less than a white man
Black Women who are Democrat (and/or liberal) are worth 85% less than a white…
Lets not assume that.. look at Zimmerman... he pops up periodically like Herpes... Never really gone, just in “remission”
I hate this planet acutely today.