They are... if you are white... if you are not, they want to hail you down for questioning, interrogation, and verification of a warrant that’s so new and hastily written up that the ink is still wet.
They are... if you are white... if you are not, they want to hail you down for questioning, interrogation, and verification of a warrant that’s so new and hastily written up that the ink is still wet.
So this is funny....
Lets be a little fair here.
Keep in mind, when I say “boring”.. I don’t mean “no action” or “being invisible”..
Boring in this context means details.. (not sound bites).. and details (facts and figures) sadly to the average person is boring (critical but boring.. like balancing your check book, a necessity, but not something most people look…
To be fair, if she’s busy DOING things, the reality is, you shouldn’t hear about her because her role/tasks are not so much in the public spot light..
But this is both a curse and a boon.. A curse because it allows others to cast dispersions on her and write the narrative about what’s she’s doing (or not doing).. a…
While I’m in full agreement with you...
We also have to factor in a few things..
Soooooo.. he’s a walking endorsement for Mental Care (that we need)?
Geez.. I mean at this point, I wonder who has more lies.. Walker or Trump..
You have to remember, no one (in government) takes “white racist violence” seriously.. they consider it a “positional disagreement” (you can see it how they deal with it.. they almost NEVER go in guns blazing, shooting first and asking questions later, they almost never want to stop even the cesspool of instigation…
And yet, funny enough, this plays exactly into most republican’s hands who want to remove the very few rules most online content providers have on such content. (basically wanting to make it illegal for content providers to filter/block these sorts of posts/groups that allow this to proliferate and spread).
Its almost…
Any who are will face “appropriate action,” said Luis Miranda, a CBP assistant commissioner, who said the agency’s chief counsel will also “send a cease-and-desist letter to any vendor who produces unauthorized challenge coins using one of CBP’s trademarked brands.
So long as they are not attempting to alter the rules and laws so that the “lifestyle” (its not, but that’s a different issue) isn’t considered “illegal” and subject to harassment and abuse... Then sure.. “tisk tisk” away because they don’t have to be.
They don’t have to like it, or “indulge” in it.. but they do have…
Like the the Trump and his cronies presented SOOOOOO much evidence (that wasn’t macaroni and glue on republican stationary)?
Are you kidding?.... What sane person is going to touch that?..
You know.. I think I just answered my own question for why she’s batting for the ‘pubs.
Honestly, given the anti-LBGTQ+ in the US with republicans and conservatives, I’m sort of surprised it’s not banned in the US as well.. (though I’m sure some small towns are planning on burning their tickets to protest)
Its really quite simple.. We are venturing into uncharted territory and no one wants to tip the scales either way.. so they are trying to tip toe around the issue and let someone else “blink first”. (in this case, he who acts first is going to be accused of being FIRMLY biased).. as opposed to just slightly biased.
Oh, they are punished... with feather and do slightly more acting than some footballers do on the field.
This could be why they have such a hard on for drag... You always hate what you secretly love but can’t express..
He’s not Z list.. in the Excel column.. he’s ZZZ list.
I think you forgot to add “brain cell”.