
His only “crime” is the streaming.. if he had not streamed it, trust me, the spin on how they “framed” him would have been happening AS he was being handcuffed. (and so gently too and I suspect milk and cookies (sugar cookies, because you know, can’t have too many “brown” things near him right now) in the van he was

I give it about a week for the news media to wind down before Fox does their spin and take up his “cause”..

The sad part is we even NEED to do this..  but I personally wear a bodycam when I venture out (streaming to cloud services).. people think I’m nuts, but when I show them the list of 23 pages of issues like this, they start thinking “Ummmm... maybe I should as well, just in case”

They never show that part, but they are usually warming in the back of the van (out of the way of the media eyes).. after all, what would people think, especially with the foot massage they get as well.

Honestly, this is not a gun issue, because he would have found another way (more work mind you, but someone hell bent on causing violence isn’t going to stop because the methods available are more work)..

But until we stop having people fan the flames of racism/misinformation, and have some proper mental healthcare in

Actually for the US, its VERY normal.. its not normal by comparison to most other parts of the world.. (except in locations with ACTIVE wars going on).. but sadly, for the US, this is a “Tuesday”...

I think you are missing the point... its not that Syracuse and Rochester don’t have black people..

Actually, not just Latin Americans.. most groups in the US are socially conservative/fiscal liberals with religion being a bit stay.. The issue is they want to take it to extremes and basically as dick’ish and racist as they want.. so yeah, if they did it the right way, they would actually gain “followers” (read

Why is THAT the issue here?.. I mean my wife has one and though I wish a meteor would strike credit company tracking center, I certainly don’t wish the destruction of the earth (at least not for that reason... TONS of other reasons (

Quite true.. but then again, the circumstances of my birth are/were quite different than his.. so there was a better than average chance of my birth being.. well.. successful.

My point is, he’s using his SINGULAR data point (of which he obviously is biased) as a basis to argue against the many MANY studies that show

I think in his mother’s case, it was a lack of education on options.. because no sane person would look at that asshole and say “Yup.. that’s my boy!!”..

So this is a case of “I simply didn’t know what my options were, so I made do with the hand I was dealt”..

And think, if she had access to planned parenthood.....

I would say “some people”.. but yes.. you are right.. everyone needs someone to be the “bottom” rung so they can metaphorically shit on them.. use them as the reasons for their woes as opposed to looking in a mirror (a clean non-rose tinted one) for fault. Some people NEED to tear others down rather than fixing their

But that’s just it.. There is a mountain of evidence from MANY peer reviewed sources that indicate how financially draining having a child is, and the lower you are on the income spectrum the more it consumes.. not to mention single parents, young/unprepared mothers, rape victims, etc...

Basically every scientific

Gives a whole new twist on the “put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up”.

Actually if you read a lot of Sci-Fi, that’s exactly how a lot of them work.. (the colonists work to pay off their “debt” of transport, usually 10-15 years if high “value” or 20-40 years if low value workers.. (heck, that was even an element of movie Passenger, a so-so movie with Chris Pratt in which she’s a wealthy

Roe v. Wade was a compromise in order to get something that, at the time, was VERY unpopular.. It has since that time, become MORE popular but its also been used as a means to help other issues.. (which the republicans certainly DON’T want)

Actually it does matter..

Given how the right loves to demonize some of the liberal ideals as “communistic” and “communist like”, its a very important distinction to make when discussing such things about true/pure communism which doesn’t really exist, and communist leaning countries, while getting into the specifics

Correct, especially without establishing a baseline or control to understand a deviation from said “norm”.  There is such a wide latitude in body language that is “normal” for one person that is “abnormal” for another that without some form of a baseline for the person, any judgements/assumptions about a person would

Or he’s heard these allegations before, knows they are fabricated and giving her (and by extension the allegations) attention is simply a distraction which he refuses to do.

Honestly if it the case, then I would do the same.. since acknowledging them (and the speaker of them) isn’t worth my time.

Slight modification,