
In every relationship, there can only be one front man/con artist... She’s too much like him for them to ever work together.. (remember folks, one cheater per couple).

From what I have been seeing, there aren’t any humans in the republican party, and if they are, they certainly lack thing approaching decency..

I think his statement really was “he didn’t want to oppress Black people DIRECTLY”.. Indirect is perfectly fine... secondhand/thirdhand oppression is what he wants... so he can claim his innocence. Direct oppression means HE’s guilty.

Well it makes sense.. its the same approach that google and other firms use.. by keeping you within their doors.. you tend to equate more of your “life” with them.. and so become their first stop rather than the last.. which means overtime, you DO spend more in them.. (either because you are there so long other

Remember, for Square... there is no “Grade B”.. its A+ or nothing.. I think a large part of why they are selling is to focus on a market they know VERY well (the Japanese market) vs. a Market they know less well..

Honestly though, if they stick to that formula (and make sure the translations are up to snuff) they could


Every Killer has claimed to Never killed anyone.. (or they were asking for it)

And/Or vote the wrong way..

Remember, there are Republican Gay/Lesbian folks.. who voted FOR this shit by supporting the republicans fostering it.

People need to start understanding that “single issue” voting is almost as bad if not worse than not voting... as it allows the wool to be cheerfully pulled over their eyes

I would venture to say the rise of these things is more because they feel more “open” about expressing the more vile aspects of society because there have been no repercussions for doing so.. When we celebrate the lowest of the low (as a society we used to value and celebrate intellectual achievements and goals that

Oh, I’m not saying his “solution” (such as it is) is correct or even workable.. since isolation breeds even more hate (due to xenophobia) which leads to MORE problems (xenophobia has always historically lead to even more conflict and death)... I’m saying he’s not entirely wrong about (some) white people being angry

There is a reason why they want to keep those things separate...

For a prosecutor, they will use her “life” as evidence that she did kill (based on the notion that ANY harm is just a stone’s throw away (depending on the prosecutor, that may be a literal stone). So they are basically forcing the prosecutions hand in

Despite the broad paintbrush he’s using.... looking at the current republican party, conservatives, rhetoric being espoused by many groups, the re-rise of Nazism and extremism as well. Is he wrong?..

That also includes people formerly from NYC but have moved elsewhere on the planet.

Also who are these “People” he’s trying to frame being the “victims”?

Also while the GOP may publicly denounce him, will they actually REMOVE him or will this be just another lip service task that won’t DO anything. (the GOP have a nasty habit of that.. publicly wagging their finger, but privately patting him on the

And given you want to attribute such positions/actions towards my statements which have nothing to do with “grooming” them, I would say no human (regardless of age) should be near you.

Not assuming, but more and more “social education” has been fostered on the schools simply because parents don’t do it.. Now the reasons could be varied.. (unable due to awkwardness, not knowing how to engage, so simply not available due to economic pressures.. (more and more children are raised in a home where both

Preferably both Kimm and Pete..

Isn’t that Davidson and the Kardashians?

10 year olds are bulled for being “different” or “odd” or many other reasons.. by creating an environment where they are perceived as “other” by simply the lack of acknowledgement and trepidation by teachers (for legal reasons) to even engage.. they will be bullied.

Lets not kid ourselves, children can be cruel (not

Indeed.. and HW is pretty much a “swarthlier” if less “con-man’ish” version of Cheato.. So they can claim “See, we have a Black Friend.. even 4 of them!! so we are not completely racist, just racist lite”

Its no wonder they like each other.. a reflection in cracked mirror (with the lights turned low).

And sadly with Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill being emulated in other states, things like this will become more common as the “others” will be more persecuted (both at home AND at school).

Le sigh... another day, another nail in the coffin that is the US. I mean just pull the trigger already.