
It makes sense in a twisted way..

Hate/Fear/mistrust/lies all thrive in an environment where people are viewed as “other” and by pushing people to the side lines so they simply “don’t exist” its quite easy to make the erroneous argument that “its such a small group why even bother” (the needs/desires of the many vs.

Actually I can see a lot of value in a “slabtop”.. especially when you consider that then they are less concerned with weight/size which means you could get a 17" version and then add back the ports/accessories that were removed.. like a DVD Drive, more USB ports, HDMI, and full ethernet.. this way you have the best

That’s usually the case, its not always how much is brought in, but the disbursement and who’s fighting to get their cut/share.

Oh, they are already gunning for the Loving case

The WAP’s death by cop is based on public records and whatever the police publish.. both of which are not 100% accurate (since both sides have a “story” to tell).. And of course, when either side points out the inaccuracies, they blame the other side of “statistical manipulation” or “fake news”.

This is why I said, it

Yes, but Florida is a transient/tourism heavy state..  and as such, they have to balance issues like “if we tax the snowbirds and other part-timers, they will go elsewhere” vs. CA doesn’t have that.. 

As pissed as I would be, at the end of the day, existing in a legal loophole means the rug could be pulled any time they want..

Its like the guy getting mad that the flaw that allowed him to collect points incorrectly suddenly got closed.. Well, yeah, I’m mad, but at the same time, its a gap that should never have been

Its more the fact that owning a boat (considering mooring/dock fees) is already expensive (and as they are fees, are exempt from any sort of tax reimbursement, except federal (creative accounting) so they don’t want to destroy the boat owners.. plus, a lot of otherwise homeless people live aboard those boats.. which

I just want to see them try to collect..

Actually it does matter.. as a number of people live in the Harbor/Marina aboard their boats (of various sizes and shapes) and many of those boats RARELY leave the dock. Just because its a little larger and slower than the average boat doesn’t magically turn it into a house (and subject to property taxes).. Its still

Yes, but that 1/3 of the population doesn’t talk about, nor is society (and Hollywood where appearance is your bread and butter) as accepting.. When this is a (for the majority of people) “yeah, and whatever” event its going to be a closet issue..

Heck, I know some guys that still buy Rogaine under fake names (or fly

Punching later means it would be premeditated.. (negating the notion of emotionally inspired) and certainly as he did it for his wife’s benefit, while it would have been the least “distracting” it would have put even MORE issues on their plate.

It was a quick slap.. (not a drawn out fight or punch), but a slap.. it was

I think people forget some basic rules for comedians.

Yes, their job is to poke fun and exaggerate for hilarity’s sake.. but they are also responsible for reading the tone of the audience and adjust the material accordingly... Someone’s grieving over a lost child is most likely not going to react well with the dead

Yeah, as much as he as the right to do so.. with all the conservatives, republicans bitching about “states rights” and interference with the police.. while he can set this up.. unless they create another group that can VERIFY this.. you are simply asking the fox to guard the hen house and trusting him to be

The white hoods never left, they just trimmed the bottom a bit to make them a little more “respectable” and less “obvious” but they never left.

Ironically turning those “hoods” into Dunce caps.. but whatever..

He meant what he said, and said what he meant, a Republic is Racist, 100%..

—- Dr. Zeuss (Dr. seuss’s more “aware” brother)

Have we checked for large orders of makeup (in “fair” tones) by him or his wife?.. I mean they can’t ALL be for her..

Its the classic “Not all White People are Aggressive, Violent, Raping Racists but a large number of Aggressive, Violent, Raping Racists are White people” situation..

Not everyone is any one thing (no one is singular anything).. but the numbers certainly do point in a particular narrow direction.

That’s not fair.. Armadillo’s serve a function... This “cruz” creature doesn’t.

Assuming all things are equal.. you are correct.. but then, a smaller person would/should be using a different swimming gate/technique to compensate for their lack of stature (focusing less on power strokes and more on efficiency, and to be fair, your shorter frame also means less mass moving which is a slight