I’m unclear, but I’m also doubtful this fucker will ever get impeached. It would never pass the Senate anyway, and definitely not with a redacted report.
I’m unclear, but I’m also doubtful this fucker will ever get impeached. It would never pass the Senate anyway, and definitely not with a redacted report.
Side note: why put this shit on Twitter? When my ex pulled similar shit, I told no one, and social media is the last place you’d read about my drama. There are some people out there who still think we got married!
Because Lena Dunham is an attention whore with no boundaries or apparent need for privacy.
I can’t tell if Jack intentionally led Lena on and messed with her head “as a joke” or everything was same old, same old, and she started reading more into things because of wishful thinking.
This horror show made me gasp for breath, but THIS MESS stopped my heart: http://people.com/style/gwen-stefani-wears-blake-shelton-vans/.
They’re still making money from it so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How are these two still together? I still cannot wrap my brain around it and have been waiting for what felt like the inevitable breakup since they became a couple.
I played spiderwebs for my daughter and then realized wtf happened to her??? Didn’t she date/was married to someone in no doubt? Maybe she has that Ann Perkins syndrome where she takes on the personality of the guy she’s dating?
She looks like she was about to go to a Top Gun themed party before Cheeto dragged her on this stupid vanity trip.
MMO’s. I just don’t have the time.
You need to study abroad, preferably in France, to gain this type of perspective. /s You are a nicer person than I am.
Thank you. This is pleasant music that I would expect to hear in a clothing store.
Really shitty spray tans.
The hatred I feel for that couple in California is unhealthy. Like...no person should hate a human they have never met as much as I hate them.
This fits in with my long-running theory that whenever someone starts posting on his/her SO's Facebook wall, the relationship is doomed. My theory is that if you're close to your SO, you'd usually just talk to the person about the article/image macro in person, or share it through FB messenger. The only reason you'd…
I have one that is always saying "OMG!! LUCKIEST GIRL EVAR!!!" about everything her husband does. Honey, most of the rest of us also have husbands who help us when we're sick or vacuum once in awhile. It's just called not being an asshole and isn't really brag-worthy.