You don’t even need an app. You pass out note cards and have people write their question down and give them back to the moderator. Problem solved.
You don’t even need an app. You pass out note cards and have people write their question down and give them back to the moderator. Problem solved.
Waiting in line at midnight for a game to launch. Amazon Prime that shit, if it all. I need my beauty sleep.
These 2 are like that annoying couple on Facebook who just won’t stop posting about each other and how perfect their relationship is. *puke*
seriously, wtf happened to her.
There’s a great subreddit for Old People Facebook posts, there’s got to be a trainwreck FB posts one too.
Why is that these kinds of people are the same kinds of people who post the NObama, gun, momma bear shit?
One of my Facebook friends is like this. Every post includes her boyfriend...every single one. Even ones not with him in it, he’s tagged and the only person to comment. It seems really unhealthy. Shouldn’t you have friends, you know, out of the relationship ?
I like her makeup.
Yeah I don’t see what’s so original about the mewing vocals, sounds like every other Florence and the Machine/Lana Del Rey wannabe.
I post lots of pictures of my animals, what does that say about me?
That’s like 2 days worth of calories...would I still try to eat the one with a big fucking slab of cake on it? Yes.
Fuck Ricky Gervais. He’s a douche bag.
Is that a rat dragging a dead rat? That’s fucking disgusting. Here in the country, we shoot rats like that with a BB gun. Fuck that noise.
Oh I knew about him! I haven’t done the institute yet but I will soon. I saw him in the Fallout 4 Vault Dweller guide thingamajig book. IT’s really good at semi-explaining things without spoilers.
Yeah I knew about the magazine thing, been selling those. My friend was under the same impression about having the character in your party. Must be from Fallout 3 and NV playthroughs.
Which Synth?
Thanks! I was under the impression they had to be in your party to get the perk and keep it. Not sure why I thought that.