
Yes. There’s a protocol here. Fund a damn gymnasium or dorm, like the other rich people do. This is just ... horribly nouveau riche. 

Why not both? As long as normal people are serving time for far less, I’m ok with some rich asshole that’s gone to such lengths to not be accountable for their actions...being held accountable for their actions.

My family has a weird thing about mean one-upmanship passed off as humor.

No one should be going to prison over this shit. Make them do legit community service AND fund the four year education of a low income student. what the hell does sending Aunt Becky to prison achieve? Always hit them in the pocketbook. 

I’ve stated it before and I’ll state it again.  If Aunt Becky gets off, I’m going to light trashcans on fire and turn over cars.  I’m dusting off my pitchforks and taking my torches out of storage...

I’m sure your son looks back on this fondly as one of his favorite bonding experiences with you. Nothing is so cathartic as your parent having your back when another adult (especially a family member) treats you like shit. 

Oh how I love this and oh how great a mom you are to teach your son that you don't have to take shit from a family member. I am sure he loved you even more for not only standing up for him but including and giving permission to him to exact revenge 

Your mom and your step "dad" didn't deserve to parent anyone. Sorry this happened. I think it's too dark of a story to win, but those are definitely the worst presents (and people) ever.

My image focused, “Karen” of a sister stole one of my teenage son’s Christmas presents at my parents’ Christmas Eve gathering. He was in that awkward, angsty stage and this really bothered him. She thought it was super funny and refused to return it, even when I quietly took her aside and asked nicely. Nothing says

Thank you. <3

When I read your original anecdote, all I could think was “(emotional) incest”, red flags all over. Sounds like it was an incredibly unsafe house to grow up in, and I’m so sorry you never had the childhood you deserved. But also, SO PROUD of proud of you for surviving that nightmare and standing up for yourself, hard

I’m so sorry you had to suffer through that, and I’m glad you got away from them, you’re so much better off as far away from them as possible.

“What the fuck is wrong with your parents?”

The following Valentine’s Day, my parents also thought it would be funny to give me a see through red lace bra and panty set.


For Christmas when I was around 12, my parents put a huge bag of cotton balls in my stocking. I had to pretend they were from Santa for my little sister’s sake, but I looked at my parents, puzzled and asked, “I wonder what these are for.” My dad explained, “I don’t know, but maybe in case you need to fill out your bra

It wasn’t really the gift itself, but the comment that came with it: a beach towel from the mother of a former boyfriend, since we had planned a trip to Florida. After I opened it, and said Oh, thank you this will be useful, she said well, I would have gotten you a bathing suit, but I didn’t think they made them in

She married a conservative nut job, Ben Domenech. Any of that McCain bucking the system and being more of a “centrist” died with her dad.

Basically all of the right wing religious zealots are coordinating with each other and their friends on the Supreme Court (and Federal court judges) and deciding which abortion bans should be appealed to the Supreme Court that will give them a chance to do the most damage without going too far and getting their

I feel like Obama, if he desired, could basically operate the entire Republican party like a puppet by announcing he liked conservative talking points.