
Same here! I legit get scared whenever I get lost here in rural NC because the risk of encountering a racist cousin fucker increases. Yeah, I’m still debating whether or not to get a car magnet of a Puerto Rican flag because I’m slightly concerned about racist vandals.

Even before reading the article, I had a gut feeling that meth was involved just by looking at her mugshot! I love it when I’m right!

Both of them need to be bitch slapped with a bag of bricks!

When I was 23 I had a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure my Skyla IUD was in proper position. The gynecologist made damn sure I was fine with the procedure!

I recently had a root canal. I was sore after the lidocaine wore off.

After having 3 Hell spawn, my mom is even more pro-choice.

Don’t even get me started on my kindergarten, 5th grade, and some middle school teachers I had! From my anecdotal experiences, the young or middle aged teachers tended to keep up on proper training and would think.

They take you to the hospital, then bill you to oblivion. 

I am. It was stomach pains, that just ended up being stress related.

Even when I believed in Santa, I did NOT wake up at ass o’ clock! 

Now I wanna wallop Karen with my terra-cotta flower pot! Then get bitch-slapped by my mom who was a victim of domestic violence! 

Oh, damn! I should have told my grandma that baking soda would obliterate her ovarian cancer!

I think I’d go off if somebody told me my mom’s fibromyalgia was caused by her vaccines, rather than bad luck. I’d also go off if I was told that my allergies were vaccine related, instead of genetics.

I remember one of my elementary teachers explaining how before vaccines and antibiotics a lot of children DIED from diseases and infections.

I have to assert myself every time I make a doctor’s appointment because I’m sick of long-ass wait times for services I’m being charged crazy amounts for. 

Brits should see what I paid for an ER visit, the price of my rosacea ointment if I was uninsured, and the bill I got just to see an allergist WITH insurance! The American healthcare system sucks, blows, and chokes!

Poor dog! Granny brought on that shit herself by pissing if the dog. 

I hope those asswipes step on legos that are on fire!

That must have tasted really good or really bad.

That poor toddler being ignored and neglected! You were the only responsible adult there! As for the 2 brats, I would have told them to fuck off with their macaroni and crap because my filter has corroded.