
Seems like she’s gotten away with a lot of hate crimes frankly. 

All I want for Christmas is trumpity to have a major stroke. The worst part is if it doesn’t kill him, his supporters would still claim he was a stable genius.

I am half Italian/Sicilian, and I have had people call me names because they think I am Latino.  It’s fucking scary how those with the fewest brain cells holding hands seem to think they are somehow superior.

My nephews are half Asian and half white and they look like what assholes like this woman would probably consider “Mexican.” In today’s climate, I live everyday in fear for them, especially as we live in a VERY redneck area. I know my older nephew has already had run ins with racist bullies in his after school program

It feels increasingly like we’re in some kind of insane third world country. I dont feel safe in crowds. Always looking over my shoulder on the street. Lock my door the moment I get in to my apartment. The whole tenor of the nation is in the toilet.

She tried to murder a 14 year old child.

Whatever that thing on her forehead is apparently has eaten into her brain. ETA I’m still gray? 

I hope they charge her not only with attempted 1st degree murder but also pursue it as a hate crime. It is monstrous to run anyone over with your vehicle let alone target someone because of their race.

I’m so sorry those things happened to you. My dad is a first generation Mexican-American and I worry something like this could happen to him. People are garbage.

That is repulsive. You don’t deserve that in your life and I am so sorry for your experiences.

Tell me again how Dump is bringing civility back to our society. This monster needs to be buried under the jail.

Putting aside the racist hate, I don’t understand whether she has poor impulse control or just didn’t think about consequences. Did she really think the police/DA would say “Oh, you ran her over because you thought she was Mexican. That’s perfectly understandable; you are free to go”?

I really want to point out that to say Clive is a town of 17,000 west of Des Moines though true is misleading. It makes it sound like a hick from a small town. Driving through Des Moines, West Des Moines/Urbandale into Clive, the city lines are really indistinguishable from each other. So though technically a suburb,

This is what scares me about going to a rural small town or a rich suburb. Honestly, anywhere! I could “pass” as white, but I do have features that show that I’m of Latin American descent. It’s being not only harassed by a Trumper, but what if I cross paths with an aggressive Trumper with a weapon?

I wish this person would be put away forever. I just have a hard time believing that any number of pills could balance that out.

I just recently moved from Iowa, I’m not from there originally, and I wish I could say I was surprised.

Yeah, at some point don’t you pretty much forfeit the right to community? I’m pretty sure Lady Meth up there has reached that point.

Racism is one hell of a drug. So is meth.

Sometimes I don't know what to think about people, I just don't believe someone like that should be allowed to live around other human beings.

Probably so, but I’m just not willing to fantasize about that or give them any more of my energy or time because I’m kinda numb towards them. I’m not even angry any longer because it hasn’t made me feel any better, or made any difference in their lives for me to hold on to such intense emotions towards them— so I’m