
I’m on the autism spectrum and I passed it on to both my kids. But anti vaxers would probably tell me we would all have been peachy if not for the MMR vaccine

We have a memorial baseball field dedicated to a young boy in our community who died from the FLU. At the ribbon cutting ceremony several years ago, his grief stricken mother made a request: Vaccinate your kids! Anytime someone local tells me they won’t vaccinate for some reason, I tell them what this mother requested

I delivered tombstones as a college job (incidentally, one of my favorite jobs).

I always ask them to tell me about the diseases the vaccines protect from. NONE of them can say. The have no idea what a fucking disease even IS. Just because they haven’t had to witness it ravage a human life to them it’s magic and doesn’t exist. They scream more about what’s inside the stupid vaccine than the actual

“It’s about the power dynamic. It’s about entitlement. It’s about punishing someone if she didn’t give him what he wanted.”

I can only hope that the MD saw that he wouldn’t be dissuaded, pretended to agree, then once he was out of the room did nothing but make an agreement with his daughter that they would just tell him what he wanted to hear. There are doctors who would definitely do this to try and protect their patient.

The thing that comes to mind about this, is the same that comes to mind about other celebrities who have been accused of similar (or worse) offenses: if he wanted sex, he didn’t need to behave that way. He may not have been able to have sex with x person, but he probably could have had consensual sex with y or z person

Any “doctor” willing to perform such a test is a motherfucking fraud to begin with, since such tests are neither scientifically conclusive - re cause & effect - nor objectively valid - re an actual issue.

It’s not a “virginity check”. It’s a slut check. Because Daddy owns her vagina because he pays her living expenses. Nothing Slavemaster about that at all.

And then, upon verifying loss of virginity by tropical fruit, they should be violated by a cactus. For, you know, penance.

Does the AMA have a position on this? If they haven’t come out and called bullshit on it, there should be pressure put on them to do so 

Any man who obsesses about his daughter’s sex life to that degree obviously has major, major problems that go way beyond “being protective”.

I would like to see the doctor get some sort of reprimand from the AMA at the very least.

Unfortunately there are plenty of right wing religious zealot Ob/gyns.

And then, post-pineappling, those people should be subject to a virginity test on the recently pineappled region.

Hopefully parents requesting it will be criminalized too.

It’s about fucking time. This is long overdue. Virginity checks are medical bullshit based entirely on control.

A pelvic exam without consent* is sexual assault. Any doctor that does this is completely out of line.

My thoughts exactly. What backward-ass gynecologist hears this request and goes, "Sure!" instead of calling Child Protective? 

It’s appalling that there are any physicians who would agree to this shit in the first place. It’s completely unethical to do a pelvic exam for this “purpose” TO BEGIN WITH. TI is gross for wanting it, but the MD is even more gross for doing it.