
The funniest thing about the table reaction was that neither of my kids noticed any of the exchange. They were both too busy putting olives on their fingers.

LOL!  I imagine everyone else at the table thought the argument was hilarious.

filters are fucking overrated! 

Oh my gawddd how do people allow it to continue!!??

My sister-in-law was a late bloomer, and was in her thirties by the time she discovered sex, and began enthusiastically making up for lost time. This was absolutely fine, except she feel into the trap everyone does when they first start having sex: thinking that they are an authority. What is eye-rollingly

Fortunately for me this happened when I was a kid, so *I* didn’t have to clean up the aftermath...

My simpleminded brother-in-law, who is Dunning Kruger made manifest in the kitchen and insists on cooking the main dish at every family gathering even when he’s not hosting, undercooked the turkey and poisoned 6 of the 8 Thanksgiving guests.

In 2012, I flew 6 hours and drove another 6 to be with my family. I live in NYC and they live in Los Angeles; they celebrate in a house in Yosemite National Park (and have for nearly 40 years at this point. This was a bit of a burden as I was flying to Hong Kong for work on the Sunday night after Thanksgiving, but my

I was raised in farm country with corn and soy fields everywhere, so I have no doubt we all have been exposed to Roundup. But this happened in 1982.

Such a tragic story. I am sorry for your losses. My uncle died from Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Any chance your people were exposed to Roundup?

Alright, since I’m anonymous on here and none of you people know who I am so I could be anyone, here goes.

Long time reader, first time participant. For background, I was about 29/30 year old woman and dating a 28 year old man child for all of 5 months.

I feel this on a cellular level. 

All of my childhood Thanksgivings were horrible. Due to the size of our family it was ‘smarter’ to rent a space (that shall not be named) where we would all fit. It was poorly heated, with folding chairs and tables and an industrial kitchen. It was cold, impersonal, unwelcoming and zero fun. The adults (men-folk fresh

My worst/funniest Thanksgiving was in 1993. The major airline I worked for had just gone on its first strike in decades and my soon-to-be inlaws were visiting for the first time. My future FIL very forcefully took over cooking the turkey, insisting that it MUST be cooked breast side DOWN (seriously, what the actual

Where to start...every Thanksgiving has been a shitshow in my family. The year my sister was drunk before noon, forgot to turn on the oven and served a raw turkey that she insisted was cooked? The year my now ex-husband and I invited the drunk, chainsmoker neighbors and the father proceeded to hack so hard at the

Back when I was a baby reince, my father passed away suddenly from cancer. It came on very quickly and he was only sick for a couple months before he passed away. No one knew it was cancer until the autopsy. His doctor thought it was a bad flu. Needless to say it was extremely traumatic for our family to lose him so

Never had a disastrous Thanksgiving. Probably the closest thing was one year when my dad’s parents came early one year. My grandfather was a dour, gruff old German Texan, who rarely offered praise of anything, except he loved my mom’s stuffing and her gravy. That year they arrived while supper was being prepared and

Oh, this is easy. The time my mother came to visit and brought Norovirus with her. First she went down, started vomiting all over our house, herself, everywhere. Then came the diarrhea, all over our house, herself, everywhere. All as we were serving the big meal.

We don’t do Thanksgiving here in Scotland, not because it’s terrifyingly basic, but, well, we just don’t give a shit. But many moons ago, when I was at University, I helped a friend organise a Thanksgiving dinner for some Scotland-stranded Americans (apparently they were “lonely” and a meal would “Bring Them All