
I am of that era where smoking was acceptable in the office space. It was horrible. I stank from the second hand smoke daily. When someone lit up a cigar at the front of a large room, I went up to him to ask him to put it out. His response (typical of smokers) was, “go to the back of the room”, my response was, “I am

With all due respect, why does that matter and why are your bringing this here? This article isn’t about Michael’s children, so there’s no reason to parse their parentage. Further, even if the truth is that they were adopted from pure Aryan breeding stock hidden away in a hermetically sealed utopian biodome, they’re

Same here, except I escort for a handful of clinics in the north. Have you noticed the “regulars” getting more and more aggressive? One routinely makes posters that has a blown up picture of one of our escorts placed next to a picture of Hitler. And the homeschoolers - big eyeroll. 

I don’t know you or your friend but please thank her for her work from me. I volunteer as an escort at an abortion clinic in the south. Our protesters all know us, our names, etc etc. It’s so fucking scary. Some of them have jobs, some don’t. I have a job and I schedule my PTO or “sick” time so I can volunteer, so i

I’m sorry for your loss. Terminating a wanted pregnancy must be devastating. Those abortions are often skipped when people talk about “the legitimate reasons”, it’s always the trinity of rape, incest and the mother’s life being in danger.

My friend works here. Those assholes are out there every day -- apparently they don’t have jobs? They know the names of all the employees and yell at them anytime they see them. Such fucking loathsome shitbags.

I got my first birth control prescription there; my mom didn't have faith that the doctors nearby would keep their mouths shut (she was a nurse). I donate when I can.

I just had an abortion this past Friday at 21 weeks. I had to cancel multiple appointments because I didn’t have the money & my Veterans Administration insurance doesn’t cover abortions. The amazing women at Planned Parenthood quickly arranged funding for my procedure but then I couldn’t go because I’d just gotten a

Then there’s the crisis pregnancy center next door to the clinic, confusingly named Woman’s Choice.

So was I until a prenatal exam revealed my baby had several abnormalities. I know at least two other women who never thought they would have an abortion that terminated very wanted pregnancies because of fetal abnormalities. Those type abortions are always done late too. Week 15 for me, week 18 for the other two 

I refuse to believe that anyone who stands outside a health clinic and harasses patients, while having no idea what exactly they are coming in for, is just passionate about their beliefs. They do it entirely for their own sense of self worth.

When it comes to defending fundamental rights, I’ll turn to the bulldog every time. All of the women at this clinic sound like raging badasses. They have to be for the sake of their patients. I’m glad that you and your sister were able to get the care you needed.

I wonder why it is men that are spewing their misogynistic religious nonsense.

It’s hard being a woman.

Thank you for this article. The Women’s Clinic saved my life when I was a teenager and miscarrying. My sister and I would’ve been off far worse had it not been for them.

Oh yes.

Just an interesting anecdote from me - when I lived in England, our older and very wealthy friends in this particular circle were obese and ate very, very lavishly. I love good food and going out to eat so all was fine with me, I just have some limits, like I don’t typically eat dessert and only small portions of

When we celebrated Deepavali recently we had to throw away SO MUCH food it made me sick. I wanted to donate to a home or something but it’s not allowed here. 

Watching Supersizers finally explained the bizarre 1950s jell-o abominations to me. Putting things in aspic had always been only for the rich, since before refrigeration it meant showing off how skilled your chef was. Introduce refrigeration and instant gelatin, and now everyone can have fancy high-class food!

Korean culture also dictates that holidays and parties (and guests) be celebrated with more food than any gathering of normal people could possibly eat, even at gunpoint. Wastefulness knows no boundaries, mainly because humans deal with real insecurities like food insecurity by creating a false mockup of them and