
I’m the ONLY one of all my fronds in the last five years who DID not even find out if it was a boy or girl. Everyone was like “How are you going to pick clothes? or get decorations?” I responded with “The baby does not care and neither do I.” I swear that everyone though I was an alien...

Eh, normally i don’t mind em. It’s normally just an excuse to have a party and celebrate a pregancy way before the baby shower.

I'm 34 and engaged. We don't want to blow a bunch of money on a wedding and we really don't have a whole bunch of friends or family to invite. If we went to the courthouse and did it on our own my mom would probably disown me. We would rather put the money toward a house - you know, something that lasts longer than a

See, no one gave a flying fuck what the gender of your kid was people. 

Gonna risk the social justice points and just state that “gender reveals” are the dumbest thing ever.

I actually worked for two different Japanese restaurants during my days in hospitality. The classism and racism among some Japanese is quite shocking. Not to mention the physical abuse. Managers and Chefs SLAPPING staff across the face and don’t you dare make eye contact while being yelled at. The “American” staff at

Those are the worst rationales I’ve heard in a while. So every person on the plane wearing glasses is in danger, including the passengers? Women who wear glasses won’t be pleased to see how makeup looks with them? Apparently glasses reach out and biff potential shoppers right in the nose?

I’ve worn glasses since I was 10 in the states and I can confirm there is so much sexism around this. To the point where I wear contacts to interviews where the job is focused on more interpersonal/management skills because people start asking me about tech/computer skills when I wear glasses, imply that I’m shyness

He meant vulva. Like most men who want to control women’s bodies, he’s entirely ignorant, and probably terrified, of women’s bodies.

Talk about major boundaries and control issues. I assume his this diligent in making sure his sons stay pure too right? Also, a broken hymen or lack of one doesn’t prove anything. The nerve of this asshole who has 7 kids with 4 different women reinforcing purity tests on his daughter. His songs are filled with

He also claims his wife’s vagina is his property and she can’t say no to sex, saying they split it right down the middle of the “uvula” (his words, not mine). He’s publicly outed himself as a sexual abuser of both his wife and his daughter.

I’m sure he’d immediately cut her off financially, both for telling him off and, I have a feeling, if she were discovered to be sexually active. Remember when he was in prison? Good times.

As Darklighter said below, this is/has been child abuse. He also congratulates his teenage sons on their sexual conquests.


It seems my main account is still banned on here, still no idea why.

My cousin and I were watching Rhythm and Flow last night, and I kept commenting on how much I disliked TI due to his repeated infidelity, etc. etc.  She wasn’t buying it because of the “progressive” advocacy.  Cut to today when I am 100% vindicated.  Nothing progressive about this man. 

Jesus. “Overbearing” is putting is really mildly.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

I really think, for reasons most of us can pinpoint, things have become a lot crazier and clearer over the last few years with regard to who is racist and an asshole and who is not...

Yup, you and I might have been neighbors at some point, because that’s where I am.