
Okay, Betsy DeVoss. Education is going to be privatized because I went to graduate school to become an educator, not to keep a chart about wiping your child’s butt? You want that kind of babysitting? That is the job of a nanny, not a teacher. Five NYS teaching certifications, two masters degrees, and you want me to

Proving once again sexual orientation is NOT a choice because if it were, I would NOT choose men. This is so disgusting and childish, I can’t deal.

Actually, I diagnosed a young man in his twenties a few years ago with a brain tumor during the course of the eye exam that I gave him. He was actually lucky that he was near sighted and needed the exam, otherwise it might have been missed if he didn’t need glasses to see far away. He also didn’t have a primary care

Because glaucoma and a host of other visually significant and other health issues can be diagnosed in the course of a complete dilated eye exam. Glaucoma, for example, typically has no symptoms. I just had a patient in this week who basically had a stroke in their eye because they didn’t believe in going to the doctor

I was pretty lazy about brushing and flossing for years, until I went into the dentist and had 14 cavities (and a root canal!). Regular twice a day brush and floss once a day person now for years- I never want to go through that again (and it works - I haven’t had a cavity in several years).

You know, it doesn’t matter how prepared for the ‘puff’ test I am, I still jump every single time.  

Yeah, if I feel fine, why get that pelvic exam? Why have a dentist check out my oral health?

Because it’s a good idea to keep up on what’s happening inside your body that you can’t see or feel yet. In terms of sight, we need trained people to tell us we’re squinting because we get used to things like our eyesight

Because you might have glaucoma. They do more than just measure your vision, they also assess your eye health.

An eye exam checks way more than just your vision. It covers cataracts, blood pressure (that’s the “puff” exam that checks pressure in your eyeballs, which can be one of the earliest signs of diabetes) and other diseases that can be silent for far too long.

Actually, it’s those of you with 20/20 that have the most to worry about (as in, I had a co-worker who went mostly blind due to an eye condition that she didn’t have checked out in time—by the time her eyes started bothering her to have her go to the doctor to have it checked out, then refer her to an

Cataracts ain't just on a river in Egypt.

Aging. Eye exams arent just about vision correction but making sure your eyes are still working right, retinal detachment, among other blinding things can be caught sooner and fixed if your eyeballs are actually looked at. Eye problems dont always come with pain or even notice thanks to your brain masking problems

I swear, every day I see something new that makes me so glad to be gay. 

I’m a straight lady and I sure as hell am not nagging a grown man about brushing his teeth. That’s goddamn ridiculous. If we’re dating and your breath frequently smells/tastes bad then we will no longer dating pretty quickly.

JFC I wish I had the healthy teeth these assholes are so cavalier about fucking up just to be defiant toddlers.

“I mentioned it to him once or twice, but he reacted like I was trying to control his life,”

If only women would be more accepting of my rotting, corpse teeth /s

There is nothing worse than a dirty mouth feeling. Who are these men who are not brushing? BURN THEM!

Those women. Always trying to control our lives by not wanting all our teeth to fall out at age 30.

These must be the same boys whose mamas had to clip their fingernails for them while they were asleep.