
Oh yeah, I’m familiar with all that (though not as much as you of course!!), but it’s nuts how pro-lifers know next to NOTHING about birth control and any kind of abortion at all.

I’ve talked to pro-life people before. I have a friend who is a pretty smart guy, training to be a pharmacist. So he’s pro-birth control (because if he wasn’t I would have stopped behind his friend) but very anti-abortion, he’s also very religious and I gave example after example of WHY we need abortion to be legal

If the “pro-life” movement was really about preventing abortion they would be doing everything they could to make birth control cheap/free/easily available. If the “pro-life” movement was about saving babies they would be funding WIC and other prenatal programs, and funding Head Start early education. They would be

We should call Catholics who oppose abortion but have no problem with the death penalty or who oppose programs that help the poor “cafeteria Catholics.”

Any of these men who think that safe abortions are immoral and/or should be illegal, any of these men who believe that a woman should be forced to hear the heartbeat of a fetus in case she’s considering abortion, any of these men who believe that an aborted fetus has to have a burial or cremation, should be shown what

Let me explain something to you, white people don’t have an issue being called redneck’s (if they feel like they are one) and they gladly embrace being called redneck. They wear tattoos, bumper stickers, t-shirts, sing songs, etc. Black people have never and I mean NEVER embraced being called n***ER. Stay in your lane

I am white and have really soft, fine straight red hair. Everyone always wants to touch it and people often do without asking- just compliment it as they pet me like a dog. I will never understand why people can’t just leave other people’s stuff alone.

You mention the pregnant belly thing, that is totally a thing white women do also.  To other white women even.  Also super invasive questions about their baby and pregnancy.  Friend of mine (who is herself a white woman, just not a crappy one) had to deal with this recently.  My sister as well.

YES. And whe they actually do ask its usually as their hand is already 75% of the way to my head. At which point I am literally ducking their hand.

I’m a white guy and this is news to me.  What kind of adult touches strangers?  The nerve of some people.

Every time any of the women I work with changes up her style drastically from braids to long & Straight or what have you... some ignorant Asshat is asking if it’s real, or how long have you been growing your hair, or WOW when you straighten your hair it’s SO LONG! Followed inevitably with unwanted hair touching.

When I was pregnant and had my braids I was constantly being touched. I didn’t know which was worse, the white women wanting to play with my hair on the public bus (??!?!?!) or literally everyone touching my stomach (?!?!?!) keep your hands to yourself.

White female asked if she could touch my hair at work, I asked her why, she said it looked soft and fluffy, I asked her can I fondle your breast, she got angry and offended and said no. I asked why not, she said because its my body and my right, you have no right to touch me, I’m not your sex object you pig. And I

Omg that video was hard to watch. Personally I do not like being touched period. Hugging, shaking hands, rubbing my shoulder and my hair is the ultimate no no. Then this old hag hand the nerve to pick her up in the air. Somebody pray for me, I just slapped this lady in my mind.

I never understood why these fucking people want to touch us. Why do they go around wanting to touch random ass strangers? We’re Black, not space aliens 🙄😒

At a previous job, two different white women touched my hair on two different occasions before I could catch them, saying themselves that I probably don’t like it, which I agreed with. After that, I got a t-shirt that literally said “Don’t touch my hair” and wore it to work the next time we had a company-wide meeting

In the words of Atlanta's greatest, "Let me break it down child style so you don't miss": don't touch strangers without their consent.

It happens to me semi-regularly, but only from East Asian kids since I work with them all day.

I’m not black, but it’s happened to me TWICE in an elevator. I have really long, straight hair and the first time it was a white woman who did it and the second time it was an asian woman. Both times I ripped them a new asshole. Props to this woman for being so calm.

I’m being very friendly today but please don’t touch my hair.’”