
I graduated from a Vermont State College, and remember a rich white boy from Florida who did not put in effort. The douchecanoe would cheat on his biology tests by using his phone when the professor wasn’t looking! How did I know this? Eavesdropping. He lived on the same floor as me and was talking with a buddy of

It’s fun to remind snooty and/or ignorant people that even though I’m lower middle class, I’m still privileged compared to other people.  

That’s one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever read! What a bunch of sickos.

That story was nasty af!

You win! I would be running out of the house screaming and cussing!

I moved to NC 6 months ago on a job offer, and let me tell you NY and Connecticut are progressive compared to this ass-backwards hole! I have lost count of how many times I’ve been asked WHY I’m not married or WHY I don’t have a brood of kids! 

YUCK! What a fucking perv!

That’s DISGUSTING! I’m not even 30, but I’m so fucking sick of older men asking me what “my boyfriend thinks of [insert thing]”! Or worse yet, “why don’t you have a boyfriend/husband?”! How I wish my Meme (who’d be 81) was still alive to tear these shitwads a new asshole!

I used to live in CT, and know what a bitch the mental health system is. Before my mom became disabled, she worked in mental health. My mom and her coworkers were/are disgusted by how Connecticut’s treatment of mentally ill children from poor backgrounds is still messed up. These kids have less rights than violent

Besides financial reasons, personal health/weight issues, climate change, mass shootings are a reason why I don’t have a child. I would be a basket case if I raised a kid for 6 years, then be informed that they were slaughtered at school be some ammosexual colostomy bag!

Another reason to keep my rapist in prison!

I’ve told my mom that if I didn’t get the orthodontic care I needed, I’d look like somebody from this book!

Sounds similar to here in NC. How I miss NY, VT, and CT. At least I can attend the Happy Heathen Hour from the Triangle Freethought Association.

Some of these people should google “ballerina feet”, then tell me it’s for sissies!

This is exactly what happened in 5th and 6th grade (2003-2005) when a few assholes made fun of me for liking Barbies and Bratz. At least I had a few friends who reassured me that dolls are fine, as long as you don’t use them as weapons.

Poor kid! That asshole dad would get walloped with a cane if he told my 84 year old Pepe that pedicures are for girls! 

My sister and I sound like your daughter. If my mom told stories about my siblings and I, the “boy moms” would think my sister and I were the boys and my brother was the girl!

WTF?! I guess I should tell my white af mom that she looks Mexican when she wears hoop earrings! 

I was about to say this!

My mom is approximately a 40DD. She’s grateful for Lane Bryant because they carry her size and their bras aren’t shitty like Walmart’s.