
I’ve HATED pubes since I got them at age 10! All it does is trap heat, discharge, sweat, and piss drops. I refuse to be “natural” if it makes me feel physically uncomfortable.

I’m not a knitter, quilter, seamstress, etc., but I ALWAYS wash things before I wear or use them. Customers who touched the product before me can be nasty af!

Alma appears to be a far more productive/respectable member of society, than the trash that voted for the GOP thugs! Alma should stay, and deport the Gang of Putzes and their minions to a deserted island with nothing but the clothes on their backs!

McCain should be happy she had a decent (from the child’s perspective) dad. Myself and others didn’t*. She’s a privileged and clueless dope!

Yesterday I was informing my mom that I have an appointment with a new ob/gyn (I moved states a few months ago) and I’ll be letting him know that if I were to have a child, I’d be getting a scheduled c-section no if’s ands or buts about it! I’m not going to risk having my vagina rip down to my asshole, and I’d rather

My mom had to be put under for her c-section with my sister. It was June 1995, hotter than balls, and my mom went into labor. My poor mom’s body was swollen af from the heat and the OB had the nerve to ask her “would you like to wait?”! 

I can share my mom with you! She wouldn’t treat you like shit for having a c-section.

Thank you! My 2 siblings and I were born via c-section because our mom gave a shit about us not being dead or orphaned!

Fuck them! A healthy baby and a mom who’s not maimed, traumatized, and/or dead is infinitely better than risking your life! 

Holy living fuck! I get paid more at my job that only requires a high school diploma!

I couldn’t stand teachers/professors who only went “by the book”!

I received my K-6 education in NY, and my 7-12 education in Connecticut. When I started college in Vermont, one of my English professors handed out grammar, spelling, and sentence structure worksheets because a few classmates from CT couldn’t construct a simple paragraph. I swear the worksheets were the same ones I

My mom is 27 years older than me (I’m 26), and she was intrigued by my high school courses! She was pleased to know that I was getting a better k-12 education that taught critical thinking skills. It sucks that when I earned my A.A. my job prospects were shittier than hers.

I’ll stick with my Secret deodorant/antiperspirant because it actually works. 

I’ll stick with my Secret deodorant/antiperspirant because it actually works. 

“If you’re pre-born, you’re golden. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked!”

The dumpster next to my apartment building has far more class than that bigoted cow!

The perps deserve to be burned alive!

Asshats! I hope they all fall face first into a septic tank!

Miracle Whip is already nasty af! Keep that trash away from my fruit!

American cheese is only good when I’m off my tits drunk.