
I would so love to grow my baby in an artificial womb.

It would have been better if when Kylie finally turned around her face was a decrepit ghost and she lunged at the camera and killed Rob.

Religions are cults given sufficient popularity and time; it’s like restaurants (90% of them fail in their first year).

Actually it was a test to find out who is the most joyless among us.

But that doesn’t explain how they impose their will on you from across the room.

Dear Bride,

I was just thinking, “ok, apparently fish-tail braids are SUPER TRENDY in the fundy Mormon sect this season.”

No. This must be good, or else iZombie lost Lowell for nothing.

Sadly, I’m Disney’s bitch in this regard. I don’t think it ever should have been made, but I’m there nonetheless. Sigh.

Because people with filthy whore vaginas are not fully recognized as people. Duh. :D

Hey, if a rape is “legitimate,” the female body has a way of shutting the whole thing down.

So, if you get raped by a stranger, don’t abort the baby because that’s bad, but we won’t acknowledge its existence when it’s born, either.

I can’t speak for ABC, but I covered it because I care about how people imagined the future. That’s kind of the entire point of this blog and I think it’s an interesting way to look at the history of any given generation.

probably STDS (Sudden Teen Death Syndrome).

The whole thing is just a reboot of the New Testament anyway but with a lion instead of Jeebus.

Life is never complete until you see the things you grew up with destroyed by reboots and remakes.

Where white people meet? Isn’t that just church, Walmart and the gun range?

Sometimes you just have to make a statement, even if it costs you £10.80.