
I’m glad I’m not the only one.

I’m going to turn 26 soon and I aspire to be like you. I got the 2 cat part down. Maybe I’ll surpass you and get 2 more.

Or the struggle could be family separation. Different problems/cities need their help and they have to work individually, or, they have to work individually because they have their own superhero styles that don’t really mesh well together. Basically, the brink of divorce/broken family, superhero style.

This whole story really sucks and I feel terrible for what the little girl is going through.

The church and its affiliated institutions just want the best possible chances of having more young altar boys to sexually abuse.

I ran my first marathon a few months ago and for the last six miles, I was like OMG everything is so painfully bright.. The grass was too green. The sky was too blue.

This woman needs to be the poster child for ‘Murica. Can we redo the American flag and put her image on it?

Once they leave college, those users will move on to Yahoo. Ignorant, poorly written, and sometimes plain mean, comments for poorly written click bait articles.

Happy National Cat Day.. but not for those 14 cats.

From now on, Miss USA is going to win Miss Universe every time. Also, new rule: no POC allowed.

Where is the sexy gender-bent Groot costume?

I feel sorry for every one of this patients. I would be embarrassed to say Ben Carson performed surgery on me.

That’s true. She’s out there being an activist and I’m here writing snarky anonymous comments on kinja websites.

Posters with grammatical errors should not be an option as well.

Liberals are ruining everything.

CJ Pearson needs to get off the internet.

Illegal immigrants are now just illegals. Black people are people slandered everyday. And then this fucking lady, who has the skin of a Sharpei dog, is angry that someone acknowledge that she’s old. Hey old lady, it’s not a secret that you’re old.

If anyone’s the hate group, it’s Fox News. They hate everyone who’s not a conservative fear mongering white person. They probably hate kittens too. KITTENS.

He should start a new porta-toilet business named after his nickname. Big stinky blue shit holes with PORTLAND POOPER on them.

Why can’t people just buy some good old manufactured nail polish from a large corporation? Nothing wrong with that.