This makes no sense. The senate is supposed to act as a jury right? So in what world does the lead juror get to openly say that he’s going to support, and take cues from the accused person’s lawyers???
There aren’t enough bad things to cover all the bad things that should happen to McConnell.
If you are troubled by abortion, you should support easy access to contraception. Indeed, Colorado had a program that provided low-income women and girls contraception. As a result, the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions decreased significantly. But “pro-life” Republicans stupidly opposed continuing this…
That says more about you than other people.
That’s some “both sides” bullshit you got going there.
Public discourse is good. But as a nation we’re really struggling with the quote below. Conservatism has weaponized ignorance. Expanding the platform for lies and deceit isn’t needed. That’s what Twitter is for.
Sir, how dare you question my credentials, sir!
Don’t watch them man. I haven’t watched a single trailer or read. Single article about the film since the first one. Going in super fresh. It’s possible.
Legion is ending after its current season, but it seems to have been planned and I’m cool with it because I don’t think it’s a show that can go on indefinitely.
“Sorry boss I can’t make it, spider near front door”
Hell I might skip work if I sleep the wrong way
I can’t even believe this shit man. If I get a cold I go down like a ton of bricks for a week. This woman is superhuman.
Men can’t even be right at a funeral.
I’m glad I didn’t watch that whole exchange go down in real time. Thanks be to my doctor’s slow ass office. When I first saw what he said come across the timeline, I was like, “...wut? Dummy.”
That’s why Pastor Yo Quiero Taco Bell needed to sit his thirsty azz down, LOL!
That’s pretty much how a day should go.
She is full Italian.
Judging from my twitter feed yesterday, there were two major learning moments for people during the funeral:
1. At 3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon—a time which was already 30 minutes past the very optimistic target ending time on…