
Pure speculation, but it’s hard to believe whiskey and rye wasn’t a factor somehow.

10/10 varētu dzīvot netikumīgi ar.

To the less fit, his pace would be vorpal.

It’s like, you build a firewall against Chinese hacking and you feel safe. And then, an hour later...

If only the rest of the dangerous wing of the electorate was as smart as you.

“Oye, pass it this way, holmes..”

Will these stick in my teeth more or less than regular popcorn.

Hey, they’re just saying what the republican base wants to hear. Which is why the GOP is one of the most dangerous forces on the planet.

Just being supportive.

God, really? Gross.

(pssst- it’s in the tag)

And this is a reason to trust them?

Myrtle Beach for ten months? That’s hilarious.

Ha ha OMG

Going raw dog with sick tigers.

Nothing feels sexier than being allowed to leave the domecile!

Wow he’s being a real Arne, when he should be more of a Hassan. Fellas, don’t be an Arne.

Please immediately deploy this modern Goofus and Gallant program to middle schools over here thank you.

Just a messenger.