
This girl is going to rule us all one day.

So it really was a chemistry issue between him and Yeo?

Why must you turn this comment section into a house of lies?

It’s pretty obvious that Robert got naked and rolled around in Andy’s clothes before giving the suitcases back.

Always bunny truthers

Comments section is closed. This is all that needs to be said.

He’s a lot better at Twitter than I am.

Well, when it comes to Washington and violence with soccer players, there is always Hope.

Please, dude. The only time manspreading is at all justifiable is when you’re trying to unstick your nuts from your leg.

The Daily Mail mocked her for having a belly button piercing from 20 years ago.

You’re right!

So this is why South Ossetia wants to secede.

Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.

This motherfucker is so corny I swear Congress is gonna subsidize him in the next farm bill.

Glitches in his programming. Future upgrades will make it even harder for him to fail the Turing test.

but game developer is by herself, ohh wait she is wearing headphones, she is not alone

I think that Lolita is one of those books that everyone claims to know, but few people have read (Uncle Tom’s Cabin is another example). I remember the whole “Long Island Lolita” thing and people acting like the girl anything other than a victim. I have a friend who is an English professor and teaches the book. He has

Hey New Yorkers, come to the Bronx Zoo and you will finally have the unique opportunity to see a real live cockroach!