
I suggest her negative pressure room be kept at 5% atmosphere.  That would fix everything fast.

Well you got the ALL CAPS SCREAMING down and the not knowing what words mean (‘shear lack’). But you missed the five exclamation points (!!!!!). How are we supposed to know your post is deadly serious and vitally important if you don’t use the five exclamation points profusely... or at least once?!!!!!

Sadly, this is going to be like microtransactions, lootboxes, P2W and all the other modern horrors.

Nobody could ever have predicted this.

Mainstream games are (statistically) written by straight white guys for straight guys (just look at any EA game*), and Call of Duty audience don’t find what women have to say all that interesting - rather, they find it annoying. If you crank up the number of lines for the women you get complaints about ‘nagging’ and

This is absolutely fun to watch, but while playing I’m noticing that it’s also much easier than normal tetris. You only need a one pixel tall band of a color left to right, and colors flow down slopes. It doesn’t even matter which way the pieces are rotated other than ‘tall’ or ‘wide’. I beat the 40-line game the

I feel the same way I feel about pro real sports seasons being cancelled for union disputes - please do! If it’s a real sport it helps with traffic. And this would at least free up some internet.

Wow! This is an awesome game, so much fun. And there’s really nothing quite like it on the PC (the sheer weapons variety + the platforming + the destruction). I have to say Sony’s new policy of letting their exclusives go to PC after two years is a great thing, and I hope a lot of new people get to enjoy this.

So apparently everyone’s already given up on their proud declarations that they were going to skip D4 because Activision-Blizzard is a trash company run by evil assholes. Well, I expected that since nobody can ignore new shinies.

No, you could not, because the loot you got from just playing was noticeably worse than you got from D2, and more to the point was mostly worse than the equipment you were supposed to have at a given point in the game. So you had to at least go to the AH (if not the RMAH) or do a hell of a lot of grinding.

This is a terrible idea. The game is much better as a game sandbox than it is as a game.

That is specifically and explicitly why Elmo bought it, so no big surprise other than he didn’t fail at this too.

First, it’s an amazing game, and you really should play it at some point.

Now now, I’m pretty straight (not proud of it, it certainly limits my options, but that’s just the way it is) but loved Night in the Woods just because it was hilarious.... and LGBT doesn’t threaten me since I’m not a White Nazi Trump Voter who secretly thinks about dicks all the time and hates myself for that so

Well think of it this way - these days the game you got on your physical disk is a 80 GB install that needs a 60 GB first day patch to be playable. Games (except from Nintendo, and not always then) are hardly ever shipped in the state they should be in, so years and years from now just having a physical release

I’m good with this, given the $10 price savings. And these days, there’s really little point in having a physical disk with the 80 GB install when you then get a 60 GB first day patch (followed by more).

A recording of some of it (koff koff):

Well, after they strangled both PSP and Vita in the crib with their lack of support, I guess it’s good to see that Sony finally realizes they don’t have the attention span to support another handheld that needs unique content.

I blame a couple things which are hitting nearly all industries:

You’re missing one of two qualifications. You need one of these: