
Yeah, Live Action is almost always crap because it never needed to exist. It only exists because a giant evil corporation saw they had an IP for another medium (animation) sitting around and decided it would be cheap enough to just shit out a live action version even though the mediums are completely different (like

Elmo would be just as loathsome and stupid as a Democrat (just look at Mark Zuckerberg) - this is not about his politics, this is about his techbro sociopathy and what a complete fuckup he is when he actually tries to do something himself.

So obviously the car is uploading your steering input through the app, running some AI on it (at Twitter since Elmo just stole Tesla’s AI servers for himself 🤣) and then back to the Wankpanzer and then it bluetooths that to the wheels.

Really? Because ‘AI bullshit in everything’ and ‘records every single thing you do on the computer and uploads it to the cloud’ seems more like it’s a full court press on complete fucktards who would subject themselves to this.

Christ, What an Asshole (TM).

IMO the best ‘VS Clones’ are Halls of Torment and Holocure - Save the Fans (which is free)!

So, I haven’t turned on my XBox in 5 years. And I somehow got a PS5 when they were impossible to get and was super proud of that and have since played FOUR entire games on that in 4 years (new God of War, new Ratchet and Clank, new Horizon Forbidden West, Spider Man 2). I dutifully got the PS4 Pro, but at this point

Kotaku has been through... like five different owners? And gawd knows how many management teams. And even then at no time has it ever been a monolithic party line site. This is just one guy posting his opinion - which I don’t agree with, but it’s fine. I know the Gamergater fucktards were all raaaar against Kotaku as

This is basically genociiiiiiiide 😭

What a match made in Hell.   Well, Tiktok users deserve him, go for it.

Only 68? Well, he worked himself to death like Tezuka did. :/

Poor Cowboy Bebop. First the live action version, now this.

As someone who was there... No It Was Not.

Okay, this is goddamn stupid. Yes Balatro uses poker as a starting mechanism. There is no actual gambling.

If there’s ever been a f#$ing damaged piece of sh#$ who needs therapy, it’s Elmo. Please go and - I know this is a complete long shot - maybe become not a complete f#$%ing sh#$stain of a failure of a human being?

Huh, indeed. It might just be that WearOS is such a pig (it is) that it can’t even do the low/high power core separation well. Which is why they need to shut it off entirely and use a completely different MCU with a different OS?

The funny thing is that this thing is such a comically giant brick because they couldn’t make WearOS run efficiently (it’s a pig), so they actually crowbarred two completely different CPUs and OSes in there running in parallel. The Snapdragon W5 runs WearOS when it needs to run, and a BES2700BP MCU runs an ‘RTOS’

Shame on you, Mo!  The CEO of Ubisoft said you should be honored to be able to be allowed to buy his $70 AAAA game with battle passes and microtransactions but less content than Black Flag, and you are not honored?   [faints from the vapours]

Plus, it’s Nintendo, so as long as the Switch is selling well and at much higher margins than Switch 2 they’ll milk that as long as they possibly can.

I’m guessing this was shot on the unannounced ElmoPhone (TM). Okay, he’d call it the XPhone (TM). The bestest mostest white alpha male phone in the world, like the Cybertruck and this robot!