
... or maybe this is an actual problem worthy of reporting, since people could die as a result, or is kissing Musk’s ass worth overlooking it?

Yeah that or maybe the cybertruck is a hilarious heap of hot garbage that deserves to be laughed at every minute of the day and then some.

We’ll never know.

Could be. I’d wager it has more to do with Elon’s career as a carnival-barking huckster foisting poorly-designed death traps on the public as innovation.

Sponsorships are supposed to be disclosed.

Maye I’m simplifying this too much but isn’t TikTok something that rose from the ashes of Vine?


The U.S. Government has to issue subpoenas and a whole other mess of legal BS to get access to logs and user data. Do you remember that murderer/terrorist (I don’t remember which) whose phone LEO couldn’t unlock, and Apple refused without a court order? This is a person who has committed a serious offense and still

Seriously. Social apps and platforms have changed pretty often at least as long as I’ve been using it, and I started in 1990. People will go somewhere else if it’s banned.

They’d get over it and find something else.  Leaving aside entirely the merits of the argument, there was a time before TikTok and there would be a time after it, and they’d be fine.

Stop defending this blatant Chinese-State-Data-Machine. They are open about it’s connections. There are many other platforms to use that aren’t feeding data to a Government run by assholes with only ill-intent for said data.

Without sounding like a millennial with a lawn complex (fat chance), from years of experience, this is not the impending apocalypse zoomers...

Some other company will fill the void, you’ll move to it and forget that TikTok ever existed. The same thing happens with every social media product that was the “big thing” for some period of time.

“Tragedy” sounds like quite a stretch to me.

Gaming communities will survive - thrive, even - without TikTok. Get a grip.

I dunno, not being spied on sounds pretty good to me. You frame it as if losing tik tok is a bad thing. But arguably it isn't.

Twitter was actually useful at one point though.  I can’t say the same for TikTok.

Unfortunately, you can’t cure sociopathy with therapy... :/

But here’s the thing about your comment of the low power and high power cores, the chipset they chose already does this, but with some caveats.

You know those cellphones they market to kids that can only call and have no apps? The Xphone can only install X.