
Yeah, it was a product of the time. May be hard to remember from the far future of 2023 where every game/show has a LBG character (sometimes most of the cast) but there was a time, like 2013 when Gone Home came out, when explicit LBG chars were extremely rare in games. The Chilluns might play games and learn about Teh

‘Open Roads Team’, whoever that is - presumably the people actually working on it. Anyone can produce a game (to various degrees of success)! And then Annapurma will publish it.

Ugh. ESPN is completely useless unless you really love seeing sweaty men in tight pants go back and forth pointlessly, and it always egregiously jacks up the price of everything it gets near. It’s mostly to blame for what happened to cable bills over the years, at least until the point cable execs realized from ESPN’s

It was mostly a fun game (except the bosses), the shrines were mostly fun, and the climbing mechanism was brilliant no question, but I’ve played much better games, even open world games. Buuuut I can certainly see how ‘first 3D open world Zelda game from Nintendo’ when the critics already skew stan Nintendo wins the

Only if you’re taking it entirely too seriously.

And now the clunky ancient Switch is holding back Tears of the Kingdom. Seeing the TV ads for it I’m quite amused by how lo-res and lo-fi it looks even in the commercials - though I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.

Or to put it another way, most major publisher games are headed to being EA games. This has been happening for quite a while, but with Redfall MS just released an EA game with a disastrous EA launch. And they’ll do it again.

The worst part, and the part you should be most ashamed of, is that you made an EA launch of an EA game.

I’m still waiting till it works well.  $60 instead of $70 doesn’t fix that.

They are developing for PC as the lead platform. All the developers are running PCs with Windows. The XBox and PS5 builds are secondary.

This is genuinely the first time I’ve heard of this game (so shame on you Luke!), and it really looks like someone said ‘You know what we need? Saint’s Row 1 for white people.’

Hello fellow teen!

If Baldwin is cooperating, then ‘documentary’ needs to be in all the quotes. Odds are this is gonna be an advertorial for his innocence.

 The real problem here is that he didn’t stealth one shot him.  Hadn’t he played any of their own games?

A Vita 2 would fail, like the PSP and Vita, because Sony does not have the attention span to support it properly.  As the owner of an abandoned PSP and Vita,  I can admit that and say I’ve learned my lesson.

And then there’s the much larger percentage (like me) who never even started because it just didn’t sound great and the noise from people watching it was not convincing.

‘I am here to defend Shadow the Hedgehog to the death!’

It’s a real shame that officers Shawn D. Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D. Estep, Shawn D. Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L. Walters, Jr. had video of their pointless invasion and theft of Afroman’s money spread all over the net. I certainly would hate for the names of Shawn D. Cooley, Justin

I paid $50 for the single player game in the initial Kickstarter and occasionally log in to see how the janky tech demo is going. There’s still no sign of even the first chapter of Squadron 42. Yeah, it’s vaporware.

I was at least smart enough to wait to play this after it had been mostly fixed up a year or so later (I don’t work for a video game site!), so I didn’t get the complete dogshit sandwich of early launch. I beat the whole thing, and: