
The components of the acronym don’t inform the pronunciation of the acronym itself. There are tons of examples, but here’s one: ‘modem’ would be pronounced ‘mow deem’ instead of ‘mow dehm’ because it’s ‘modulator demodulator’. That’s the most extreme example because it takes an entire syllable from each word instead

The components of the acronym don’t inform the pronunciation of the acronym itself. There are tons of examples, but

I was basing it on a 2.4% rate I saw reported by China and 1/.025 (slight rounding) is 1 in 40.

As they should.  The last headline you want is ‘Lucas Pope Dies After Catching COVID-19 at GDC 2020'.  Since the death rate is 1 in 40 who get it, all you need is one spreader for at least a probable fatality.

Arnie hasn’t looked threatening since he ran for Governor of California (and won). Though if you’re going to make a Terminator-bot, yeah, it should look sullen and threatening.


It’s soft G, like the peanut butter.

It’s soft G, like the peanut butter.

Of course not, they’re showcases and the guy in charge of them knows what a shitshow that would be.

Yeah, I can just imagine trying to game at a Gamestop (as if you would want to) while the entire time you’re being harassed by hapless associates trying to upsell you crap as mandated by upper management.

A big part of it is that you generally can’t ever be an actual bad guy in Bioware games, just a self-centered twat.

I’m going to guess that Samsung’s ‘find my phone’ software goes into GPS overdrive when it gets activated and starts reporting the location like mad for a while so you can track it. This would account for that extra battery usage.

He was an 18-21 year old boy (which means a fucking moron) who liked looking at pictures of naked teen girls, who are basically his age. That’s way different from a 40yo guy with a drive full of teens having sex. He probably has no idea about the whole exploitation pipeline that this entails - the people producing

Look, I understand, but he’s just a dumbfuck kid with bad parents. People serve less time than that for shooting someone here. Worse, prison time will just turn him into a real hardcore criminal (US prisons are not for rehabilitation, they’re for criminal training).

Thankfully not my kink, but I would hope that if I were collecting pictures of something completely illegal and the FBI had already showed up at my house once I’d be smart enough to lay low.

This is all only ‘uncharted territory’ if you’ve forgotten everything from the music and movies industry - they invented all these dirty tricks - but I guess it makes sense that a random streamer wouldn’t know much about those.

No, no, no, no, no. There are no actors or actresses that have those proportions, not to mention all the stretch and squash when things get crazy.

This guy is a real Jagoff

Rich pe0ple things: Taking a helicopter to your kid’s basketball practice.

I see three big things that drive this (there are probably more):

What are we supposed to do? Concern troll like mad, I guess?

The name of the cat in one of my favorite HPL stories (The Rats in the Walls) is ‘N***** Man’, which was the same as the name of HPL’s own cat (as that page up there alludes to). It was changed to Black Tom in reprints by editors because even in 1950 it was embarrassing, at least outside the South.