
Yeah, and it’s just not worth it given that time is shorter than money. There’ve probably only been about 10 longish games in my entire life that were worth replaying. I’ll go play some (probably) better new games like A Short Walk and Plague Tale that I haven’t gotten around to yet. Or Tokyo Mirage Sessions

I ‘beat’ the game but didn’t finish all of the tablet quests. I’m watching a video of the Buildnoculars now, and yes, that explains a lot. Just being able to place bricks 10 high without needing a scaffold is huge. I thought the Japanese builders were doing this all through the sheer tedium of the normal building

And having a much better camera so it doesn’t completely flip the fQ@#$ out in tight spaces was huge too. There were definitely a ton of quality of life improvements to 2.

I’m inspired when I see Minecraft builds, but I’d already played DQB1 so knew how clumsy the building was with a controller - especially if you’re trying to go over two blocks high. DQB2 did make some improvements, but every time I saw a cool build in DQB2 all I could think about is how that would take 5x longer than

Oh right, and Sleeping Dogs. I remember when that came out and it was a GTA ‘clone’ but the controls didn’t suck ass like every GTA game and Rockstar borrowed quite a few things back from that.

Conan Chop-Chop counts as a big game?

Now playing

That looked so terrible I thought it was just teasing footage from the original. Now that I’ve actually dug up footage from the original I can see that maybe some textures are higher detail?  But the 1999 stuff arguably looks better!

Yeah, there have certainly been suits - but tellingly that one went to settlement and doesn’t seem to have caused any big changes in Hex. I’m quite sure WotC would have lost in court, and knew it, so this was a nuisance/extortion suit.

Yeah, that’s the nuisance suit. Those can backfire though, if they survive long enough for a court to find it was frivolous, and Humble Bundle (the publishers) do have a good amount of money.

I could swear that when I looked at the store page on Steam the official text said Pokemon a couple times, but it has been completely scrubbed of all mention now. I guess they did get their C&D from Nintendo, or at least they figured out it was a bad idea.

As long as they don’t actually steal any assets or character designs it’s pretty safe - that’s the only thing they could DMCA taken down for, and it’s usually what kills clones, like all the Chinese ripoffs of Overwatch.

The original game heavily ripped off Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction*, wholesale lifting entire lines of dialogue and characters** from both movies, back in the days when you could do that. I wonder if that’ll be preserved in these more litigious times.

The basic improvement is that you can count on really fast low latency scatter-gather reads with (rumored) hardware decompression. You no longer have to read something, ‘absorb’ it, and write it to RAM where you want it. You just say ‘load this here, load that here, load that here, load this there, GO’ and they just

DQB2 on PC with SSD is pretty darn fast, but Switch is no speed-demon for loading - even the internal ‘drive’ is slow. They do try their best by pre-loading most things on the first long load.

This was a double edged sword for me. On one edge I was pretty amazed by some of the stuff they were showing, genuinely impressed, and I’m glad I got to see them.

That’s the trouble with DLC that takes a year to come out (or what seems like a year). Even if I wanted to play more KH3 it’s been so long since I’ve played that I’ve forgotten everything. so it’d be a miserable experience - so pass.

It’s usually not this bad, but yeah it’s been a thing forever.

Studio Deen is infamous for their kwalitee... but this is pretty impressive even for Studio Deen.

Could it be that Techland is actually attempting to release a non-janky game for the first time ever? That seems unpossible... but even Obsidian were able to change.

Yeah, the $25 is an expensive one with great meat, seafood (shrimp, crab), bing-su bar, drink bar, everything’s all you can eat, and best of all you get to make your own broth so you can get it as spicy or tonkatsu or miso or garlic or mala as you want.  This is where we go to for special occasions.