I want to care, but for some reason I just can’t give any.
I want to care, but for some reason I just can’t give any.
If you go that way, then it’s just a truism and there are no examples of non-capitalist societies larger than a village. Even North Korea has capitalism. Cuba has capitalism. Soviet Russia had capitalism. So yes, the apocalypse will be capitalist because statistically everything human on the planet is capitalist.
I don’t even think you need capitalism, it’s just the dominant paradigm so its excesses are clear and many happen under its umbrella.
> Maybe in 10 years when someone’s writing another Kotaku article, it won’t just be about the same problems.
Maybe we’ve just approached a soft limit on how many crap releases it’s worth for the shovelware people to crank out a year.
I hadn’t tried that one - I guess that modeler was doing things the ‘traditional’ way.
Movies have a different logic... Consoles: +1 is better. Movies: +1 is (usually) worse.
I noticed while playing that she wasn’t a typically sexy design video game female character. She’s built like a moderately fit normal person, and her body and especially face are too square for the rounded sexy/protect me look that designers like, even for female characters that are badasses like Aloy in Horizon Zero…
Police are searching for a hardened criminal.
Something I probably should have said in the original post, but my posts tend to get away from me so I held it back is that this kind of confusing naming is usually on purpose and a sure sign of a shady operator, like Nvidia.
I think it’s a good strategy - by being very predictable and derivative about everything like the naming and logos, Sony’s doing a seemingly deliberate opposite of whatever the hell Microsoft is doing with its XBox One Something X branding where you can’t even tell it’s new console unless you’re a gaming nerd.
Even in 2007, Witcher 1 was really dang janky. Okay, not so much the graphics, which were pretty okay for the time, but the combat and oh that f@#$ing endless swamp.
As you say in the last paragraph, this looks instantly obsolete and non-upgradeable when PS5 and Scarlett hit. Which is not what you want from a $3500 rig.
The game was very obviously kicked out the door way too early by EA. There’s a lot of unfinished / unpolished stuff even in the things you’re supposed to see.
I can just imagine the fucking stampede of douchebags when the ‘fasten seat belts’ light goes off if it became known that after takeoff it’s first come first serve for empty first class seats.
Why are dumbasses still playing this broken game in our glorious new year of 2020?
> Why was it brought to the Switch in 2019?
I get your theory, but as applied it sucked.
His power was a huge problem in Season 2 because they wanted a lot of fitefitefite but frankly, he is too powerful so they had to keep him off camera most of the time. Which is a terrible idea because he’s the funniest guy in the series (with King), so most of S2 was just just other heroes doing fitefitefite which you…