
This is just how China rolls, right down to sticking a stupid name on it. I’m sure Sina Games doesn’t even think there’s anything wrong with what they did, like asking an American if he’s really in such constant fear that he needs to carry a handgun. Hadn’t even crossed his mind.

There’s difficulty, then there’s just wasting your time. Celeste is rock hard, like Super Meat Boy, but it doesn’t matter because you can get instantly back in the game. You want to. You need to.

On one hand I’m skeptical, since this looks like investors wearing the dead skin mask of Telltale like Titus and ‘Interplay’, or Infogrames and ‘Atari’.

On the other hand, old Telltale was a complete mess with terrible management - unable to shed their crappy old engine because they were too busy churning out bad

Wearing Telltale’s dead skin mask.

This should really be your Back of the Box Quote, even if the current one is funnier.

This sounds like $5 on sale so I don’t feel guilty when I get tired and stop.

The real monster was you all along!

Yep, this is the ‘genuine’ WoW launch experience.

This has a real Double Fine vibe (Costume Quest), but on checking out the page I see it’s actually the guy who made Tearaway.  I’m sold!

Holy shit.

Dang, this is boring. Why would you even try to hide it?

Last I saw Switch players were still exiled to scrubville with the mobile players. I haven’t been following close enough to know if anyone’s hacked a fix.

You think you overly angry dudes who are afraid of women are ‘the general public’?  ‘The general public’ has no idea this game even exists.

As usual in these cases, it’s not the actual joke (‘OGAY’? Okay, some 11 year old made a funny, whatever), it’s the completely botched response from the devs.

Basically, you can’t play anything online that you haven’t been playing recently. Like this week or even better last night.

He’s the very enthusiastic NPC guard right in front of the entry hall. Next to the marketplace. If you clear out your conversations [...] every time you’re in explore mode (you do, right?) you can’t miss him. There’s a knight mounted on a horse just to the right of him.

Fair enough, see my other reply at - basically cheap, badly written, FF kiddie style wallowing in aaaangst for its own sake is what I hate, which is what we usually get because that’s really easy to write. And understand.

I know why tragedy is appealing, like fat in food is appealing.

The battle system is not the greatest, but Trails has that sensawunda and relentless positivity down. And unlike Grandia, so far it hasn’t died a slow agonizing death of mediocre games. These types of game are rare, I take what I can get.

The big thing I love about RPGs like Grandia, Lunar, Trails in the Sky, Skies of Arcadia, Trails of Cold Steel, and Wild Arms is that relentless sensawunda and positivity - even when the plot takes an eventual tragic or downward turn for a bit your hero always knows what s/he has to do and you’re always off to new