
FWIW though, without too many spoilers, New Dawn delivers everything that should have happened to Joseph Seed at the end of FC5 for it to have been satisfying.

I know, I know, some people have to find pudgy dudes with terrible facial hair wearing sweat and food-stained wifebeaters attractive, because somehow they reproduce.

Judge is very obviously the Deputy, didn’t even think that was a question. Reverend A-hole says quite a bit about the Judge, ‘the one who’s been with me the longest’, and if you read some of the notes scattered about (especially with the photo locations quest), you’ll read some disgusted bits about ‘I seen what Joseph

Biggest problem - Mascots should be cute.

But you’re never getting another Mario or Luigi game. Doug Bowser’s first pic at Nintendo, notice the upper left.

I do understand the appeal of trying to come up with ‘scientific’ explanations to justify terrible movie/game physics, like all Star Wars’s egregious offenses...

Today in ‘Things nobody asked for or wanted other than some stupid excutives.’

It’s too bad because I really liked the game in EA, but you should not install this game, and if you did you should immediately uninstall it.

That’s a good way of looking at it - a few people you need to ghost to escape, but don’t get seduced into doing it to people who don’t deserve it. You’re cheating them and cheating yourself.

I am somewhat disappoint that their engine can’t do these in real time, but I’m guessing Disney’s ultra-high standards (now that they’ve woken up to Kingdom Hearts being a Big Deal) mean they have to use the million polys per character models.

Well, this was never a great looking series, and Belo was always a little freak so no loss there, but.... this looks like they want it to be Boogiepop.

I certainly never do that. What kind of sick freak are you?1!

It’s not a problem if you really treat your phone as an extension of yourself.

Here’s hoping!  (hopping?)

I think you’re right, but it’s good and bad - ‘Titanfall Battle Royale’ sets up some expectations that aren’t met, but without ‘Titanfall’ I’d have ignored it entirely as Yet Another Freaking Battle Royale Game. As it is, I may still check it out even without the wall running.  Just because the Titanfall guys made it.

They always(?) end up taking off the hoods - it’s just supposed to be dramatic so when they finally reveal who it is you go *GASP*.

I guess we’ll find out in 20 years when Kingdom Hearts 4 hits!

The only thing I can think of is that it was too chaotic with everyone wall running and nobody could hit anyone else.  So they pulled it.  But I still want it!

Welp, since Penny Arcade is all about the Paladins I can’t wait for the strip about this one.

I’m a bit sad there’s no wall running, because when I heard ‘Titanfall Battle Royale’ that was immediately the one thing I wanted (not the mechs!).