SarsAttacks'll take the wine with the gravy

Seriously, has there EVER been this much public commentary about an ongoing or closed FBI investigation?

Asking ferserious.

I really need this to be reported correctly. If this is how Jez is covering it (though I feel this outlet hasn’t really been pro-clinton) how is the MSM going to cover it? THAT is what’s going to make the difference in this story.

But man does it make people click!

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

They would have anyway

Every single goddamn thread is this whole yawn thing. They are literally replying to everyone and telling others to get a life..........every single person

works for me!

Except she isn’t talking to us, Amy. You and I are not the ladies that are being called to get in formation.

Is Beyonce really on par with Anne Frank?

Here’s my problem with this, a problem which I have with all rich white lady feminists. She thinks the song is for all women to get in formation, and the reason people are upset is because of its reference to black lives matter. It does not occur to her that some culture isn’t made for her, and that the time of

It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun

Why can’t celebrities just remain vocally aware and vulnerable to feedback instead of justifying themselves in these moments?

I was a relatively early fan of Schumer but girlfriend is not holding up to the scrutiny of fame. Own your shit or step away. This is embarrassing.

yes, I’d like to feel very god, please.

Awesome woman!

Huh. Ammon et al had weapons and were on government land illegally.

DOI employee here. From my perspective, this sets a really scary precedent. I could be working in the field and have some militia asshole thinking I’m trying to “steal his land” point his rifle at me with no consequence because of this legal precedent.

Having just spent last week at the hospital detoxing my dad, this is a depressing read. I’d like to think he might actually stop drinking this time, but it is so unlikely.