SarsAttacks'll take the wine with the gravy

Oooh, good to know but sad to hear about the 23% vitamin c and your poor niece’s innocent mug. Certain silicones at certain concentrations don’t play well on my craggy, pitted skin (I’m not a “truther,” I want to love them but many leave immediately upon entry and exit as annoying little balls no matter how careful

Their long-term dilemma is that informed consumers will not stay loyal to TO because its mission statement is a flawed one, possibly salvageable at some future point, and executed very poorly besides. There’s no innovation or creativity there, no ambition to wow consumers with something clever, unexpected, and (most

As the behemoths continue to add independent and overpriced niche brands to their downmarket ones, either outright or by acquiring min/majority stock, they are going to be pursuing these kinds of suits as diligently as they do counterfeiters and grey market sales. They’ve got the time and money to go after each

Good lord, Muse ought to have covered this to keep the credulous stupid at bay. Better people solved this non-problem (ferulic acid with vitamins E and C is not a miracle, but fine) ages ago, and then went ahead and improved the unimaginative formula.

“Women don’t matter” + “Dear Muslima who can’t even eat sandwiches”

Why is this most basic expectation of personal privacy ignored?

Actual, non-rhetorical question: you only discovered there was a problem with the practice when a woman did it or you’d never heard of the practice before this?

it is true- male reporters tend to lock eyes with you and keep them locked.

Then bar all journalists from entry and conduct interviews elsewhere, otherwise you’re privileging men who are already over-privileged in sports journalism and who would find it incensing and likely call for a boycott if they were treated as women continue to be treated today (like it’s an affront for them to even

Same. Changing the lyrics plus adding an amusing and/or anachronistic instrument just does not entertain me. I guess you have to watch the videos to appreciate the work he puts into it* (?), but he started off on Demento, and those novelty song / parody folks had to rely on sound alone to get the job done. And musical

I want to like Weird Al, ‘cos he seems nice and enthusiastic, but everything here encapsulates everything I hate. Unsolicited cover that is also surplus to requirements because nobody needed this, cover of shite song, “wacky” video, “wacky” video with “wacky” guest in disguise as band member, the worst band of all

Yeah, they were so nefarious that they brainwashed him into creating an anonymous account on a website that promises men fruitful interactions with very young sex workers. How dastardly. The Deep State has some mighty deep fingers, if they entrap a dude into actively and voluntarily seeking the thing he clearly wants.

Yep. Children lack the life experience, judgment, and refined taste that keeps these people in low standing among their peers. They’re only comfortable when they’re in charge. Equality and cooperation threatens to expose them as inadequate, insecure bullies who perform poorly as partners. They enjoy the idea that

They use their “the government can’t tell me what to do” attitude and some tortured logic to rationalize pedophilia, sexual assault and even captive slavery

An error in judgement like that shouldn’t leave a permanent mark of pedo on your record.

It’s the one crime nobody questions because why, are you in favor of it?

That’s who we’re talking about, explicitly or otherwise.

The committee is all white men. But, hadn’t you heard? The new strategy is to use female staffers to attack her. Recruit some handmaidens.

Given that he himself, not just Judge, has bragged about drinking heavily, this business of ‘nuh-uh, she’s the confused alky,’ is daft and only going to ‘convince’ his own choir. It’s not credible. He says right now he’s never attended Those Sorts of Parties; his yearbook, his friend, and his own words as an adult

(Check his ‘nym. He really digs rape, is my guess.)