
That basically exists — it’s called baby star!

Yeah I think some of the shows like Good Bones are more legit, for that reason — there’s not any specific timeline attached to the construction. They film and edit it to be one ep/one house, and I’m sure they have multiple ones going at a time, but presumably the construction is just happening when it happens and they

Oh my god, THIS GUY

I mean, I was NOT looking forward to this season based on the horribly overdramatic “*screams, tears hair, rends at clothes* you’re not HERE for the RIGHT REASONS!!11!!1" previews.

Katie is such a good Bachelorette!!

Reminds me of an interview I read with the writer or creator or something of that 911 show, where he was explaining that their philosophy is essentially --- Oh, has it been 3 minutes since something wacky happened? Quick throw in another batshit emergency! 

Oh definitely bought it! (I’m too lazy for the other way... )

I’m a huge fan of black sesame ice cream! There are some pretty yummy, basic “mix and let it freeze” type recipes online

So much fun, the chemistry of that cast was just off the charts. (Unfortunately Armie Hammer’s recent ... whatever the hell is going on with him ... makes it a bit awkward to stump for this movie now)

That’s cause it still serves its purpose as a classism excuse. Even assuming a dress code is applied 100% fairly/uniformly — it ensures that you gotta have enough money to not only afford the fancy food and the fancy clothes, but also to not care about potentially dirtying the fancy clothes.

That’s the sort of thing that I definitely agree crosses the line of just impoliteness, and hosts should feel free to refuse to accommodate that sort of thing (or just to never invite that person over for dinner again).

Slight digression, but —

In the risk of TMI, but .... same. Same. 

Same re ketchup. Putting ketchup on something just makes it taste... like ketchup.

Yup — Aquaphor all the way! I’ve always had problems with lips chapping easily. If I’ve been eating something that causes me to lick my lips a lot, they get incredibly burny feeling very quickly; and I often get dry/cracking in the corners. (Years ago when it first started, a doctor told me that it was eczema on my

That’s so weird to me, I mean I def love takoyaki but it’s just ... not a restaurant food to me at all haha.

Haha, see I had kind of the opposite experience with The Exorcist — tho it was one of my most enjoyable theater experiences.

... what? I’ve never heard anything like this.

omg Cracker Barrel!! haha

True story — I lived in Japan for 12 years. I am near fully bilingual and while I was living there, assimilated to the culture/daily life in pretty much every way it is possible to assimilate.